Anyone know where the 300+ Avatar Trainer is located?
Have been unsuccessful in loating the trainer anywhere, and have no one in the game seems to know.
The only two I could locate are Enchanted Gear and Arcana.
Located it. I was assuming it had its own location since all of the other specalities did, but the Avatar trainer was hidden in the back corner of the main Mysticism building in MC.
The specialists who don't have their own homes may get them eventually as other environments are added. There was a dev post about the Alien (I think?) trainer under science who may be getting a new home as soon as they can find a fitting location. I would imagine that the Avatar trainer will end up in a temple of some sort.. as soon as Cryptic can create a temple that doesn't offend or perturb anyone from any religion or group.
Especially since Inventions has level 16 henchmen standing in front of it.
It's a fun test I think XD I took a few out 1 by 1 lol