I haven't gone and tried to find out if all of my auctions are searchable, because frankly there are too many in each of the other categories, so who knows if anything else is broken. What I do know is that if you search in level range 1-50 on the blueprints tab, you come up wiht exactly 3 results... 2 talismans of coldshield imbuement and a coldshield nanoserum schematic. What you don't see is the Advanced Surge Protector Schematic that I have posted up, or any of the 2 or 3 other blueprints I have posted for auction.
I submitted reports 2 days ago, and the ticket still says new with no reply... I took down and reposted one of my blueprints and I am experiencing the same thing with it after the repost. Hopefully someone will see it when posted on here, cause every ticket I've posted through the game(on any topic) has gotten either a generic or an inappropriate response... or no response.
If no one else is having the same problem, what are you doing that I am not?