Hello everyone.
Got my copy today and yet to really get into the action as yet. Im still stuck at the character creator. I am unable to build my tubby dwarf of elite destruction (RAWR!).
There seems to be a huge lack in face\head controls or scaling. If I wanted to have a large head or wide face, I am unable to do so. The same go's for the body. I am unable to make a large, overweight or stumpy looking character.
Is there a way to turn off restrictions or is there going to be additions to the editor at a later stage?
Even games like AION have more scaling\body editing options then this which is a pity. Dont get me wrong, I like the editor, its just a pity that some of us cant create what we where hoping too on day 1.
Any help would be most appreciated.
Click custom
However, when you scale the body really wide, the head looks really small. Cant scale the head. 8(
When you scale the hips or chest, the bit between (sides of stomach) stay fairly thin. You cant actually make a girl character with a straight build from shoulder to hips. They always keep there "curves".
edit - If I could enlarge the head and tweak parts of the skull, I could make close to what Im after. Unfortunately I seem limited by the sliders.
Currently creating a hot, gothy, evil chick. Will have to do. 8(
There's no way to give anyone a beer-belly; the general assumption, I guess, is that all heroes are physically fit.
Not all Superheroes http://www.comics101.com/guestlecturer//news/Guest%20Lecturer/27/14sdcc.jpg
Dang, I didnt even see this. I swear I looked and more then once. *blush* Hmm. Thankyou. Ill have to test this out. :rolleyes: