I'm at 200 Science, and the perfectionist in me wants to go back and farm seven more Slight Epiphanies so that I can have ALL the recipes memorized, and I've got several questions about it.
If I break down a low level item that is 0/5 rating, do I have a chance of getting an epiphany? How about 1/5? Is there a minimum rating?
If I switch over to Mysticism and then switch back to Science, I've been told I keep my learned blueprints, but does my skill reset to 1? If so, seems like that would make farming break-downs a lot easier.
Anyone have any advice on the best method, short of not advancing your cap until you've got them all?
If I switch over to Mysticism and then switch back to Science, I've been told I keep my learned blueprints, but does my skill reset to 1? If so, seems like that would make farming break-downs a lot easier.
I just tested this on a new character. You do keep blueprints, but your skill resets to 1, and the cap increases you bought do not stay.
I just tested this on a new character. You do keep blueprints, but your skill resets to 1, and the cap increases you bought do not stay.
But the other questions are still valid, I guess.