This morning I was playing around with visiting the higher level crafting shops in millenium city and accidentally managed to push my skill back down to 1 for mysticism. What is going to be the best way to work this back up whilst getting some of the mild insights etc. I missed first time round.
If you're 25+, visit the Auction Hall and buy some level 1-10 gear that isn't overpriced (compare the asking price to the price in the tooltip). You shouldn't pay much more than 20N for any of the level 1-10 upgrades, it's not worth it, and only above 10 if they're Green or Blue (Purples are a waste for that level range).
If you're 10-25 just keep grabbing mission rewards that match your Skill.
If you're 10-25 just keep grabbing mission rewards that match your Skill.