I have a set 6 of level 38 customizable items (catalysts for science/exposures) that can be built. (Customizable = ability to pick which enhancements are slotted in the major/minor (primary slot items) or minor (secondary slot items) ).
There are also a set of 6 blue and 6 purple non-customizable level 40 items that require Great Epiphanies to purchase along with resources (the purple ones cost 10G and 3 Great Epiphanies). I purchases one of the purples and 1 of the blues to get an idea of what they could create and they are static (pre-determined) bonuses which might fit a few people's preferred stats, but for the majority of people it would be a waste to craft any of these items. (YES, they all unlock costume pieces, but that seems pointless if the stats on the item are worthless to most builds).
My question is.. am I missing a vendor or quest or something that allows the purchase of a set of level 40 customizable items? Seems a bit 'meh' if crafting can only build (at best) custom level 38 blue items and then a bunch of level 40 pre-determined stat items (of which you cant even see what the stats ARE until you buy the blueprint).
I also have all of the available enhancements purchased and, even though a lot of new stat options become available at 400, I still do not have as much stat variety as I would have expected with such an open system. On Primary items I can only do a few 2 stat combos and a handful of single stats. On Secondaries I have a couple of 3 stat combos, 2 stat combos, and some single stats. I really don't end up with a lot of freedom in how I can design my custom items when I lack certain combinations of stats.
I was looking forward to being able to gather up crafting supplies and eventually build a decent set of level 40 gear while working towards the really good stuff. I suppose level 38 isn't that far off power wise, but I was really hoping for more custom level 40 options.
Have to agree that this is a bit weird. I liked the customization aspect of the crafting but if it's only a few items when leveling, it's a rather subpar system. Perhaps higher ups use dropped schematics?
while on the topic i'd like to mention that i think the customization could be improved, eg instead of predetermined sets ego dex +rec you should be able to select them yourself, say ego + dex (which oddly enough can only be found in world drops)
Isn't there supposed to be some top-end crafting involved with UNITY and UNITY missions? Something along the lines of you get Qliphotic energy during the missions and then there are special items you can craft...
I haven't actually done any such crafting in game, but during OB the lady that you talk to in order to join UNITY mentioned it. Maybe this is where level 40 crafting stuff comes from?
I haven't actually done any such crafting in game, but during OB the lady that you talk to in order to join UNITY mentioned it. Maybe this is where level 40 crafting stuff comes from?