There are several Utility crafting items in Arms tier 4 branch that are secondary when they should be primary items. This list includes;
Master of Heaven Technique
Parmistanian Gym Techique
I am also sure the purple 400 skill and blue 400 skill Utility secondaries in Arms are like this as well, and quite confidant the tier 4 Ordnance and Alien MEtabolism crafting are in the same boat. These items think they are primary Utility, even after creation.
There are several Utility crafting items in Arms tier 4 branch that are secondary when they should be primary items. This list includes;
Master of Heaven Technique
Parmistanian Gym Techique
I am also sure the purple 400 skill and blue 400 skill Utility secondaries in Arms are like this as well, and quite confidant the tier 4 Ordnance and Alien MEtabolism crafting are in the same boat. These items think they are primary Utility, even after creation.
Yup, a bunch of lvl 40 Utility Secondaries are tagged primary, fixing that too, thx again silver. (make sure you guys /bug stuff like this in game with as much detail as you can so it gets into our bug tracking system! )
DNA resequencer 15ind, 25 intel, 10 phy/energy defense.
You know I was wondering about that one last night. I made one thinking it was a primary equipped it then realized I still didn't have it in my primary and didn't see it in my backpack and made another then i later realized they were secondaries and i was thinking this seems awfully good for secondaries.
DNA resequencer 15ind, 25 intel, 10 phy/energy defense.
Yup, a bunch of lvl 40 Utility Secondaries are tagged primary, fixing that too, thx again silver. (make sure you guys /bug stuff like this in game with as much detail as you can so it gets into our bug tracking system! )
You know I was wondering about that one last night. I made one thinking it was a primary equipped it then realized I still didn't have it in my primary and didn't see it in my backpack and made another then i later realized they were secondaries and i was thinking this seems awfully good for secondaries.