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Arms 260 skill and 360 skill require wrong components

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Items and Crafting
The Arms 260 (Utility Harness) skill bags are asking for tier 4 components to create (9 regor plastic and 8 yengtao manual) and the Arms 360 (Utility Webbing) skill bag is asking for tier 3 components (10 dragonite and 10 PRIMUS discipline). The tier 3 bag a crafter is unlikely to see those particular components for a while, and the tier 4 bag a high level crafter is unlikely to get those components again without farming low level stuff.
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Silverspar wrote:
    The Arms 260 (Utility Harness) skill bags are asking for tier 4 components to create (9 regor plastic and 8 yengtao manual) and the Arms 360 (Utility Webbing) skill bag is asking for tier 3 components (10 dragonite and 10 PRIMUS discipline). The tier 3 bag a crafter is unlikely to see those particular components for a while, and the tier 4 bag a high level crafter is unlikely to get those components again without farming low level stuff.

    thx silver, I'll go look at it, we'll get that in the patch with the science healing devices and the mysticism damage shield boost.
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