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Costume Changes at the merchant now have a base cost of 10-30 silver

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Gameplay Bugs
TL : DR edit: Apparently custom costume unlocks are getting automatically undone at the tailor when I go to edit and i'm getting charged for it, so when i to to edit my luchadore costume it gets undone and i get charged almost 40 silver. If i go into the costume and put the peices back on the price goes back down and i can edit the costume like normal.

ignore the following, but i left it up incase someone else has a similar issue

TL : DR I have to pay a base cost of 38silver plus the cost for the changes every time i want to edit my 3rd costume slot i unlocked by leveling. Is this a bug or is it working as intended and should i argue for lower costs. The reason i'm asking is because the patch notes are a bit lacking in detail. EDIT: now that i can get in game, this may be related to the Tailor undoing all my luchadore costume peices automatically and trying to charge me for my troubles

PSA: If you didnt know, you can go to the costume changer and create different costumes that your character can easily switch to while playing by right clicking on the "character head" avatar in the upper left hand corner of your screen.

Here is my problem:

I currently have 3 costume sets that i switch between
1. My Starter
2. The slot you get when you join a guild
3. The slot you get at 15 i beleive

Last night i went to add the blunderbuss shotgun skin to my costumes and found that they now have a base cost. In the past if i made no changes i would be charged 0.00, if i made one change then it would be added to that 0.00, so it might be 2silver to change gun skins.

Now if i want to make a change i am charged a base price, and i'm not even sure what its based on. My initial starter slot seems to have a base price of less than 5 silver (assuming a gold/silver/copper payscale). My 2nd slot or my guild slot has a base of less than 10 silver and my 3rd slot that i got from leveling has a base of 38 silver. (keep in mind my numbers could be off a tad)

So in other words, going to my 3rd costume slot and changing out the regular shotgun skin for the blunderbuss would have cost me my base cost of 32 plus the additionaly 2 silver and change for the actual costume change.

Is this a bug or is it working as intended.

The source of my confusion, quite frankly, is the lack of detailed patch notes.

Because there is no explanation, i have no way of knowing why one costume has a higher base cost than the other. Also, i can understand charging an initial cost for activating a new costume but if that is the plan, your cost is applied every time I want to make a change.

Now consider this if you think that is a good idea: The price of the costume changes are a tad high for lower levels. That being said what i did during the early access was craft my guild costume a few peices at a time when i had the money. Now with a base cost in place i would have paid around 12 silver in addition to any costume changes i purchased every time i wanted to make a change or update it.

Another way to look at it: I'm currently to be charged 32 silver plus the change every time I unlock a luchadore piece and want to put it on.

On a similar note, my 3rd costume is my luchadore costume and i was concerned about "OK"ing the change because half of my luchadore stuff (including my cape and boots) were not on my character model.

I understand you guys probably have a private test server and are starting a public one. But how are we to know whats a bug and whats working as intended without proper patch notes.

I dont know if this is a bug or if i should post elsewhere to get a dialogue started to change or lower these costs.

Basically i'm not trying to QQ, there is enough of that. I'm just trying to find out if this is a bug or intended and if its inteded, i feel the costs should be scaled a bit better unless of course cryptic is planning on changeing the economy soon. In which case all things would be relative.

Edit: now that i'm in game, i was able to test this out, my luchadore costume gets undone at the tailor automatically and i'm getting charged for it.
Post edited by Archived Post on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    This is not new for this specific patch.

    A bunch of us have been seeing it for a while now, specifically with all of the exclusive costume pieces.

    It is covered well here including screenshots: Costume pieces vanishing.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    There is no "silver", "gold" or "copper" in CO. Its called "resources" and each icon is displayed in factors of 10: 10, 100 and 10,000. Saying 40 silver makes no sense to most vets, since we already know it as 4,000 resources.

    But I know what you mean and yes, costumes and retcon costs are still bugged as too high. I have one level 10 character that shows retcon actually costing MORE than it did prior to the Sept 1. patch that broke everything.
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