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Teleport: No Stealth Effect

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Gameplay Bugs
The teleport travel power is built on two principles:

1 - It gives you short-lived but fast and highly maneuverable travel bursts.

2 - It renders you invisible during travel.

Those combined make the travel power worthwhile. Take either away, and there's no point to it whatsoever.

The second point above is no longer the case. Since the last patch, Teleport no longer grants stealth from critters.

I'll say that again: Teleport's stealth ability is broken.

Now I'm aware that using teleport in the heat of battle to escape was only ever partially viable, as attacks made just before phasing out - even long duration or charged ones - would still land regardless of how phased you were or how far you'd traveled. Indeed, DoT effects also lingered while phased. This is not what I'm complaining about, and - while moderately disappointing - was fine. It's a travel power, after all, not an immortality button.

What I'm complaining about is the fact that I can now be well out of range of any critters, then activate my teleport and fly past a group of them only to instantly aggro the lot of them and begin taking massive damage. Heck, I've been one-shotted out of the sky while teleporting past things, and that just shouldn't happen beyond the odd "coming out of teleport too close to a critter" player error.

Under controlled, repeatable circumstances the Teleport travel power no longer grants stealth, and that instantly ranks the power well below flight for usefulness when before it was just about on par.
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The teleport travel power is built on two principles:

    1 - It gives you short-lived but fast and highly maneuverable travel bursts.

    2 - It renders you invisible during travel.

    Those combined make the travel power worthwhile. Take either away, and there's no point to it whatsoever.

    The second point above is no longer the case. Since the last patch, Teleport no longer grants stealth from critters.

    I'll say that again: Teleport's stealth ability is broken.

    Now I'm aware that using teleport in the heat of battle to escape was only ever partially viable, as attacks made just before phasing out - even long duration or charged ones - would still land regardless of how phased you were or how far you'd traveled. Indeed, DoT effects also lingered while phased. This is not what I'm complaining about, and - while moderately disappointing - was fine. It's a travel power, after all, not an immortality button.

    What I'm complaining about is the fact that I can now be well out of range of any critters, then activate my teleport and fly past a group of them only to instantly aggro the lot of them and begin taking massive damage. Heck, I've been one-shotted out of the sky while teleporting past things, and that just shouldn't happen beyond the odd "coming out of teleport too close to a critter" player error.

    Under controlled, repeatable circumstances the Teleport travel power no longer grants stealth, and that instantly ranks the power well below flight for usefulness when before it was just about on par.

    This sounds like just one more example of the ways the devs savagely beat travel powers with the nerf bat, because they're letting PvP dictate how PvE works. I look forward to seeing this and many other problems fixed.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    There's a general crackdown on Stealth going on, from what I've seen. It was never that useful in PVP, but it was absurdly useful in PVE with the right build. Grasping Shadows from stealth followed by an AOE let me farm gadroon with ease, and we all know how much of a pain they normally are.

    Not that I don't really, really miss stealth being viable.

    Really really.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I would agree with the OP on this TP has gone from a fun/useful travel power, to a quite frankly pain in the rear, I don’t mind point click, point click, when there were advantages to doing so but the agro is annoying when your travelling one end of the map to another minding your own beeswax to have a splat out of nowhere is adding to the experience :P at least if your travelling have a few seconds of non agro it takes time to click the button for the next port!

    On a slight divergence as well I have also noticed that coming out of a TP instead of a gentle float down there is an annoying thud with the corresponding level of damage as well, and to be perverse I have also had the gentle float option when landed and jumping its like walking on the moon…”one giant step for alt kind” and persists for quite a few seconds.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I don't even have a character with TP and I can see how this is totally unacceptable.

    It called TELEPORT. If mobs can SEE you, you're not TELEPORTING.
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