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Chat issue

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Gameplay Bugs
Example: I'm typing some message in team-chat. Then one of those obnoxious, annoying random npc's runs up and shoves his random quest in my face (which I can't share btw, kinda pointless). If my cursor is over the quest-window everything I type is suddenly treated as being a shortcut/keybind instead of chat. So you end up jumping, opening random windows, firing off powers, and generally looking like an idiot.

If I move my cursor away from the window, or if it happens to be away from it in the first place, I can just keep typing normally.

Also, why can't we chat while for example browsing powers/stats/whatever in the powerhouse? I need to close everything to type.

And why can't I open my char pane while browsing stat upgrades? This closes all other windows.

Polish people. Polish!
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