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Dragging Two-Gun Mojo to toolbar drags Earth Flight instead

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Gameplay Bugs
It seemed to be working ok after the Sep1 patch, but I went out and got my CO CD from GS, uninstalled the Beta program and re-installed from the CD. I made sure to delete all the folders as well. I had logged out in Powerhouse, but when I left to go finish missions, I discovered that Two-gun Mojo icon was my Earth Flight icon and was putting me in and out of flightmode.

I tried various ways of dragging Two-gun Mojo to the toolbar, even trying to use the Build panel, but every time, the cursor would appear to drag the Mojo icon, but would drop the Earth Flight icon. Testing showed that it was indeed the Earth Flight, not Two-Gun Mojo.

I'm stumped. Is this data stored serverside? Is it known to be currently broken? Is this emergency maintenance going to fix it? I'm pretty sure its not my files, unless I've missed a configuration folder somewhere.

I just discovered this 5-10m before servers went down, I hadn't had time to log in tonight until downtime, so I haven't bugged this in-game yet, but I will the first chance I can if its still not fixed.
Post edited by Archived Post on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Ok, this is still a problem this morning. I cannot slot my Two-Gun Mojo. Everytime I drag it to the toolbar, or even in the build window, it changes to Earth Flight after I drop it into the hotbar slot. Doesn't matter which hotbar slot, every one has the same effect. It was like this automatically after I logged in yesterday, but I can't figure out how to fix it.

    I really need a dev response on this because its crippled my character and I don't have the funds for a retcon, because he's only level 6 and I went with Munitions build, so Two-Gun Mojo is one of his first abilities and will cost almost 1000 resources just to get down to. Yes, I could reroll it but #1: why should I have to, this is no longer Beta? and #2: I can't be guaranteed that this won't happen again.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Checked my three other characters. Two have no flight powers yet, but my original @ level 10 does have her flight power, but does not appear to be bugged (thank god). I did some digging around in bug reports here and in-game and I believe my issue is related to some who have lost starting powers (because my client seems to act like I don't even have it, though its listed in the Powers window) and uhm... well something else sounded similar, but I don't recall the report now.

    Anyway, I'd really rather not have to reroll my character, as was suggested by Support in the ticket that reported losing their starting power. For the first time ever, not even in Closed Beta, I finally looted a Qulaar Pistol and had just equipped it mere minutes before I discovered that Two-Gun Mojo was broken.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    So my bug was just generically closed as added to the bug database and if I needed GM help, to petition in-game. :confused:
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