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Steam Achievements aren't Retroactive?! (Plus another bug)

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Gameplay Bugs
I just wanted to make you fine developers aware of the situation.

The Steam Achievements are not retroactive currently. I killed Black Talon for the tutorial before Steam joined the game, and I have not been awarded the Steam achievement for defeating him. There are a couple of other defeat achievements i've completed that are similar to this, as well as one or two explorations. When I killed Foxbat a few minutes ago, I was awarded the achievement, which then made me come to this conclusion.

Also; I don't know how many there are, but there are a few achievements missing from the Steam achievements list. One being the infamous Foxbat achievement you get for defeating him. It wasn't listed in the achievements list on Steam until I actually defeated Foxbat, I'm not sure how many other achievements don't show up, but this is one i know of.
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