So, I have noticed that with the tailor you can change the skin on your swords and guns. Maybe it's just me, but I can't see what the weapons will look like until I complete the costume change, pay for it and then go out to find an enemy and use the power on him. If I don't like it, I have to run back to the tailor, choose a new weapon and do it all over again. It's costing a fair few resources to find the weapon I want. For example, I want my cowboy to use the six-shooter guns and my knight to use a longsword.. however, Modern Pistol 1-5 etc. doesn't really give a good indication to what you are choosing. Is there any plan to make the tailor costume modifications reflect on the avatar during the changing or are we stuck with this long process just to modify our weapons to fit with our character concept?
A bit of a tangent too while it's fresh in my mind.. is there anyway to change what a bow looks like in the archery framework? Or is there only one kind of bow in all of the Champions universe?
Sadly its been like that since the beta, unlike City of Heroes there's no way to see the models, you could optionally instead of finding a person or w/e find a crate or trashcan or bench or anything like that.
Yea the names aren't very helpful and it IS very resource consuming but hopefully there will be some place that adds said models to a website with outlandish colors for each square to help for those picking the colors.
I put up a post about dual swords trying to find out what different kinds people found and suggesting the posting of some screenshots showing the weapons. So far, no screenshots unfortunately.
Yea the names aren't very helpful and it IS very resource consuming but hopefully there will be some place that adds said models to a website with outlandish colors for each square to help for those picking the colors.