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Can't use retcon after the free full respec

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Gameplay Bugs
Howdy champs,

We are discussing the issues with the free respec system. It was discovered after HS free respec for all champs with sorcery powers.

What we still need: please fix the full retcon system. We need to be able to test our powers for free as any other hero can in the powerhouse! :D
Check this post for dev reply:


in short, they are looking into it now.
I used all my points now to see what would happen. As the new system is suppose to do, I can see all my choices. It starts at 7N, the first 4 are 80N (over twice what I have). Its something

Now to wait until they fix the free retcon so it will work as a free retcon, right? :rolleyes:

**** After Sep 2 patch ****

My retcon window is live again. Hurray! It starts showing everything I bought so far (6) even as I have many points left (1 power, 3 talents, 2 superstats, 1 inner talent, 4 advant. = about 9 things to train). Not free of course :mad:
**** Tuesday after the patch ****

The retcon window was empty unless you spent enough points (talents, inner, powers, etc) until you would reach the last 10 mark. Thats no longer the case.

ps.: I used the full retcon that we got on beta and it didnt block future retcons as it is the case today.
pss.: I opened a ticket ingame (bug reporter)

* Edits: cleaning and updating the post to make it easier to follow
Post edited by Archived Post on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Yes yes! I have this EXACT same bug!
    Everything there happened to me as well, except I went on to pick the rest of my choices such as advantages. The Retcon options DO show up, but only once you make the last 10 choices. And then they are NOT FREE. Even if you never left the PH or never logged out during this retcon they will NOT be free! Nor will you be able to respec anything BUT the last 10 choices! Even if you want to do it mid-full retcon.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Crayak wrote:
    Yes yes! I have this EXACT same bug!
    Everything there happened to me as well, except I went on to pick the rest of my choices such as advantages. The Retcon options DO show up, but only once you make the last 10 choices. And then they are NOT FREE. Even if you never left the PH or never logged out during this retcon they will NOT be free! Nor will you be able to respec anything BUT the last 10 choices! Even if you want to do it mid-full retcon.

    Doh, thats even worse! We will probably have to wait for another patch.... they will give us another free respec... and hopefuly it will work next time :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    We need tto get the attention of the Devs for this, and we need people to subscribe to this to do that. I've also submitted a Bug ticket in-game, to see if that gets anything..
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    What level were you while you were doing this?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Level 25. Why? Isn't it all the same?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Shukun wrote:
    What level were you while you were doing this?

    My wizard hero is level 14, but I stopped playing him because of the HS sorcery bug (we were unable to buy the correct powers as some were simple not counting to unlock new tiers).

    There are people on higher levels as well. We are suffering from a bug. Reroll is not a solution for a bug :p

    While I wait for this fix I will just play my might hero, I am not in hurry to get to 40 as I am enjoying the game on a slow pace.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Guys, I have them same problem and they just don't want to understand the issue.

    I reported this back in beta and the reply I got today: "we can't give you free retcons".

    FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I DON'T WANT A FREE RETCON. I just want you to unbug me so the interface will let me pay for the retcon! BUT the interface DOESN'T LET ME.

    It doesn't let me since in BETA I said "YES" to a Free FULL respec that I don't really know why my char got.

    It's the 4th ticket I fill trying to explain the issue and they just won't understand it. The worst is that they reply to things I haven't said, like giving generic responses :(

    I feel so stupid about not getting them to actually read the tickets :mad:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Oculto wrote:
    **** Tuesday after the patch ****
    Now I started to build my character again (with sorcery powers...). As I am inside the powerhouse, I figured I could test the auras, pets, and retcon them for free while I didnt exit the place, right?

    Well, my retcon window is empty. It says I dont have anything to retcon. I bought 4 out 5 powers (all sorcery: eldritch bolts, eldritch blast, arcane vitality, eldritch shield, circle of ebon wrath - in that order) plus my energy builder. I still have one power point to use (plus the talents, superstats, etc...).

    Ditto to EVERYTHING

    I did the full respec, then chose a few powers. Like 5 or 6, just to test some of them out. Then when I went to respec them, I am getting “you cannot undo any power changes you have made” – I just chose a few powers, not even a base focus!

    This is nuts. I can’t do anything w/ my toon until this gets fixed. :'(

    PS: On a semi-related note, I don’t care if respecing further back costs a lot of $, I at least want the option to do it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    NightLad wrote:
    PS: On a semi-related note, I don’t care if respecing further back costs a lot of $, I at least want the option to do it.

    That's EXACTLY what I'm trying to make them understand.

    That it is not that I want it free, I just want to be able to! But they don't seem to read the tickets :(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I don't know about you guys, but I want it free.
    I never left the damn powerhouse, and the power I want to respec is way more 10 choices back because I thought If I chose everything it'd let me respec back for free.
    I didn't know I couldn't do anything anyways.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I understand you Crayak, and I'm all for giving it to you for free.

    At least in my case it was back in the beta so it wasn't that bad.

    I just want to get this over with... I've had this for days without a proper response. I played the 2 first days of HS and stopped since then cause I can't get a reply for the problem.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    when did we get a full respec?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    cyris wrote:
    when did we get a full respec?

    At least in my case I got it back in beta when one of my skills got bugged. A ticket was automatically filled by the game itself and next I know, I had a full respec on my PowerHouse that made any skill choice I did permanent.

    I don't even know if Devs are aware of this feature but it happened and I'm still bugged. Yes, since beta.

    The worst is that it seems to be hitting retail players now.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    aihtnmd wrote:
    I don't even know if Devs are aware of this feature but it happened and I'm still bugged. Yes, since beta.
    The worst is that it seems to be hitting retail players now.

    I played in Beta and HS without this issue. However, when I installed retail and logged on after patch, that's when it hit me. I only picked a few powers to test, but they were made permanent and I can't undo them. I only picked like 5 or 6! Not even a base focus. Crazy. Now my toon is stuck sitting around until this gets fixed - if it gets fixed.

    EDIT: More info
    I was Sorcery specced, and when I logged on some of my abilities were missing so I guess the last patch tweaked the skill set and they issued affected people full respecs. Sadly, after that I got this -- whatever it is. Bug? Mistake? Error? Fatal crash? Kick in the nuts? Well, we will see. :(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    So it seems caused due to accepting the Full Respec thing.
    Because I recall talking to at least one other person ingame who had the same problem and he had gotten a Full Respec as well.

    Why mine, dated back in Beta, is still affecting my account I'm not sure, but it's hell annoying :mad:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    i have the same problem as well, Q_Q i just wanted to test those powers, not keep them TT_TT
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Guys if you have this problem, please subscribe to the thread, thats what will get the GM's attention.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Here's my related problem- I made a Sorcery toon, did a couple missions in head start, still level 1. Only played it once. So, I log in today and I have no powers, they gave me my 2 points back but Im still in the Tutorial zone...how can I add my powers back without access to a Powerhouse?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    cyris wrote:
    when did we get a full respec?

    We (those who had sorcery powers) got it with today patch.

    The thing about getting another free respec or not: we leveled our heroes without the ability to properly buy powers. I was level 14 and I couldnt buy my level 8 powers.

    Now I am starting from zero. Thats what the free full respec did. It deleted every power choice (including talents, superstats, travel power, etc). Thats great, no problem here.

    But as I am starting from zero ... as a sorcery build ... which has multiple trees... how can I know how my powers behave if I cant test them?

    *I need a example, you are confusing me!*

    Very well! As a sorcery hero, we have multiple pets. Zombies, wolves, angel, demon.... each belongs to a tree, each has some difference (be it just cosmetic or if one is ranged and the other melee....etc). Wouldnt you as a new hero want to test them all? Buy one, use the power... check the animation.. go kill some dummies... respec... buy the other summon... try it out...

    Well, we cant do that! All I am requesting is to fix the full respec bug so we can do what is normal ... be able to try out our powers before we commit to them.

    Free or not free? Free of course... would you like to pay 15x times (multiples pets, multiple auras, multiple circles) to undo your last power choice? Hell, do you think you would have enough cash to do that?

    ps.: I didnt get a full respec, this is not my problem. Very well, that may be true today. How about next week when they nerf one of your powers... and they give you a full respec... and you are stuck with this same issue... think about that :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    Excellent post.

    I'd like to comment that I think Cryptic is walking a very thin line when it comes to forcing players to lock-in powers/abilities permanently. That means you basically have to start building your end-game toon at level 1, without any hope of going back when you progress past 10. Very poor way of doing it, IMO.

    I played the same set on my Warhammer main for 5 months before deciding to respec his tree and try something different. It was very costly, but at least I had the option and I wasn't stuck with a toon that had outgrown his set due to play-style and subsequent nurfs.

    But my core concern, especially as it pertains to this thread, is correcting the persistent BUG that is affecting my ability to play - the - freekin' - game! I've missed the whole first day, including playing w/ my friends (real-life people I talked into buying the game!), because of this.

    I'm not a complainer, but this is really uncool. :( I only hope they come out with a fix soon.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    And to add insult to injury, the Respec costs have been "supposedly" fixed. They're still outrageous as ever. How fun.
    Let's just hope this gets fixed soon.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    This is an outrage.

    It is the second time I get a generic response about the problem. "Retcon works like this, like that, you can pay for it... bla bla bla"


    This afternoon I'm gonna start spamming this thread until we get some attention. Until I get it fixed for you all guys. I'm tired of this poor support that's spitting in my face every time I try to explain the issue.

    EDIT: It seems GM Diviner is willing to talk about it ingame. I'll be at home in 4 hours so I'll give you guys an update ASAP.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    **** After Sep 2 patch ****

    My retcon window is live again. Hurray! It starts showing everything I bought so far (6) even as I have many points left (1 power, 3 talents, 2 superstats, 1 inner talent, 4 advant. = about 9 things to train).

    The problem is: not free.
    The worst problem: it costs 1G24N to undo my first one. About 5G to undo my first 4. Did I mention I am level 14? I only have 32N to my name :eek:

    * What we still need: please fix the full retcon system. We need to be able to test our powers for free as any other hero can in the powerhouse!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    I used all my points now to see what would happen. As the new system is suppose to do, I can see all my choices. It starts at 7N, the first 4 are 80N (over twice what I have). Its something :D

    Now to wait until they fix the free retcon so it will work as a free retcon, right? :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Only if you were in the pwoerhouse the entire time. This is my problem.
    I mean, rules state that if you remain in the powerhouse during all of this, then you can respec and redo ALL of your choices for free and indifinately. As long as you don't leave.

    This was me. :/
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I just want to get rid of the stupid heal drones! They are 6th or 8th on my list (at level 23). Bets on whether I'll EVER have the money to do it? :-( I was having so much fun bashing groups of mobs a few days ago. No, the fun is hurting and I can't even get rid of the cruddy heal power that isn't worth the graphics it's made of. meh.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Guys, I just logged in and I can retcon again as if they had fixed me.

    How about you?

    EDIT: Sorry, rephrased because it seemed exactly the opposite.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    aihtnmd wrote:
    Guys, I just logged in and I can respec again as if nothing had changed.
    How about you?

    Sure, I can respec. But despite that I never left the power house after realizing I was bugged, this is what I get to log in and see:

    Attachment not found.
    (click to see full size)

    Notice how there are only 8 powers, and not even a base focus.

    At this point I think all I can do is re-roll the toon, but he is level 18 and if I do that I won't ever have the Head-Start perks on him that I worked so hard for.

    So what's my only other option? Roll a new toon to collect $ so I can send it to this first guy so he can respec?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    ...right after choosing the sorcery starting build when I did my full retcon. The main thing I was thinking about changing on my character was respec'ing teleport out for a regular flight power, so I chose fire flight to see how it would look and handle. Wasn't sure, but I continued to choose powers, including a healing power I wanted to test. ran over to the testing areas, checked things out, decided I didn't really want either of them, went back to the Powerhouse rep, and found the power choices I'd made were locked in.

    I was level 15 at the time, so I had lots of powers chosen after I chose the flight power, plus the last thing I selected were my talents and advenatages, of which there were quite a few, so removing teleport or empathic healing from my build is ridiculously expensive. I'd like to add my voice to those saying that not allowing us to test those powers was really a bad oversight. I truly hope that Cryptic will allow another FULL retcon, with the chance to test everything before locking it in. This has me close to trashing this toon, which is my favorite of all of them, and starting over. It would be a shame if I (and lots of other players) had to do that because of an oversight in logic.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    we got a full retcon? how can i get it ?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Jaudark wrote:
    we got a full retcon? how can i get it ?

    Heroes with sorcery powers got one a few days ago. But the feature has a major bug as it doesnt allow you to test powers for free before you leave the powerhouse. No word from devs about it yet.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Check this post for dev reply:


    in short, they are looking into it now.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    NightLad wrote:
    Sure, I can respec. But despite that I never left the power house after realizing I was bugged, this is what I get to log in and see:

    Attachment not found.
    (click to see full size)

    Notice how there are only 8 powers, and not even a base focus.

    At this point I think all I can do is re-roll the toon, but he is level 18 and if I do that I won't ever have the Head-Start perks on him that I worked so hard for.

    So what's my only other option? Roll a new toon to collect $ so I can send it to this first guy so he can respec?

    I'm having the SAME PROBLEM. I created a ticked explaining the exact same problem and I got an unsatisfactory response.
    CSR wrote:
    Wed, 09/02/2009
    Changes made recently to how retcon works should have resolved this issue for you. Players are now able to retcon back as far as they can afford. Please let us know if you need anything else.

    I've been inside the Powerhouse for over 24 hours. Yesterday I couldn't Undo my changes since no skills showed up and today they show up but I have to pay...not a chance!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Horishma wrote:
    I'm having the SAME PROBLEM. I created a ticked explaining the exact same problem and I got an unsatisfactory response.!

    Ingame help or over tickets just go with the manual. Thats why we tried to get attencion here in the forum to get the word to a DEV that would understand the issue and look into it instead of saying: hum WAI bye.

    Check here: http://forums.champions-online.com/s...ad.php?t=51761
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Oculto wrote:
    Ingame help or over tickets just go with the manual. Thats why we tried to get attencion here in the forum to get the word to a DEV that would understand the issue and look into it instead of saying: hum WAI bye.

    Check here: http://forums.champions-online.com/s...ad.php?t=51761

    I just got another response from CSR
    CSR wrote:
    Hey there Horishma,

    I looks like I just missed you in game. I did some digging into your issue and was able to determine a few things. Hopefully I can shed some light on your issue.

    Currently there is a known issue concerning full retcons. Normally players are able to try out new powers in the Power House and retcon them for free provided they do not leave the Power House and "lock" these new powers in. For reasons yet to be determined this functionality is not working for players who have received a full retcon. With luck we will be able to get this issue sorted out with a future update.

    That aside, the game update that was made last night allows players to retcon out of all of their powers, provided they have enough resources (money). While I understand this is not an ideal solution sadly it is the only one I have at this point in time.

    If you have any additional questions please let us know.

    Thanks for playing!

    Can't they just give us a new Free Retcon?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    Test Server notes are up and they didnt mention a fix for the full retcon issue.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Crayak wrote:
    We need tto get the attention of the Devs for this, and we need people to subscribe to this to do that. I've also submitted a Bug ticket in-game, to see if that gets anything..

    Why the hell would you hand them $$ for a broken game. There is a free month here, use it wisely and don't be a sucker.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    aihtnmd wrote:
    Guys, I have them same problem and they just don't want to understand the issue.

    I reported this back in beta and the reply I got today: "we can't give you free retcons".

    FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I DON'T WANT A FREE RETCON. I just want you to unbug me so the interface will let me pay for the retcon! BUT the interface DOESN'T LET ME.

    It doesn't let me since in BETA I said "YES" to a Free FULL respec that I don't really know why my char got.

    It's the 4th ticket I fill trying to explain the issue and they just won't understand it. The worst is that they reply to things I haven't said, like giving generic responses :(

    I feel so stupid about not getting them to actually read the tickets :mad:

    it was a generated generalised message you got...they are fully aware of the issue...its not as easy as switching a button and VIOLA instant fix no more bugs...programming is a pain...they are trying. ( i hope! )
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    CptWarpass wrote:
    Why the hell would you hand them $$ for a broken game. There is a free month here, use it wisely and don't be a sucker.

    Hate to break it to you but there hasnt been a single MMO that wasnt broken upon release. ( broken by your definition ).

    I do agree though, this game shouldnt have been released in its current state, but hopefully they stick with it and work on these issues instead of cutting their losses and moving onto star trek online.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Jaudark wrote:
    we got a full retcon? how can i get it ?

    only if you were in the headstart program. PRE launch. ( due to technical issues apparently it cant be done yet for launchers )
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Originally Posted by Crayak
    We need tto get the attention of the Devs for this, and we need people to subscribe to this to do that. I've also submitted a Bug ticket in-game, to see if that gets anything..
    CptWarpass wrote:
    Why the hell would you hand them $$ for a broken game. There is a free month here, use it wisely and don't be a sucker.

    Dude, did you even read what you quoted? He meant to *join the good fight, reply this thread, send bug reports* and somehow you understood *go pay them $$$*.

    If you are trolling... go away. If not, please read next time before replying :XD

    so it seens we will get another free respec as we were in the HS. Be careful tho, as we have no idea if they will fix the bug/issue we found out. Better be extra-extra-extra careful this time :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Oculto wrote:
    Howdy champs,

    We are discussing the issues with the free respec system. It was discovered after HS free respec for all champs with sorcery powers.

    What we still need: please fix the full retcon system. We need to be able to test our powers for free as any other hero can in the powerhouse!
    Check this post for dev reply:


    in short, they are looking into it now.
    I used all my points now to see what would happen. As the new system is suppose to do, I can see all my choices. It starts at 7N, the first 4 are 80N (over twice what I have). Its something

    Now to wait until they fix the free retcon so it will work as a free retcon, right? :rolleyes:

    **** After Sep 2 patch ****

    My retcon window is live again. Hurray! It starts showing everything I bought so far (6) even as I have many points left (1 power, 3 talents, 2 superstats, 1 inner talent, 4 advant. = about 9 things to train). Not free of course :mad:
    **** Tuesday after the patch ****

    The retcon window was empty unless you spent enough points (talents, inner, powers, etc) until you would reach the last 10 mark. Thats no longer the case.

    ps.: I used the full retcon that we got on beta and it didnt block future retcons as it is the case today.
    pss.: I opened a ticket ingame (bug reporter)

    * Edits: cleaning and updating the post to make it easier to follow

    I have sorcery powers AND I made my guy during early start...do I get 2 full retcons? :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I have the same problem, sorcery, free retcon, and all that.

    I put in a ticket last night and I got a great reply:
    "I can certainly understand your frustration. Unfortunately we cannot grant you a retcon based on this issue. We are carefully monitoring the changes and will pass your concerns along. We highly recommend that you post this in the appropriate areas in the forums since that is the direct line to the development team.
    If by chance you took part in the head start program this character could be eligible for the free retcon that is currently being worked."

    Ok, I told them I had and used the free retcon and that's what screwed me over cause I couldn't undo afterwards.
    One power was all I was trying to test out and couldn't undo.
    I didn't think asking them to undo the last power purchase was that much.

    They might as well have said, 'we don't care, we're not really reading what you said...now go away and shut up."

    I really think this is their way of not wanting to deal with it, force people to trash their characters and make new ones.
    I guess for now I just have to leave my guy in limbo hoping they fix yet another problem.
    I'll say one thing, if one of my employees ever gave this kind of customer support response, I would have fired him immediatly.
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