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FPS Improvements

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
edited August 2009 in PC & Technical Issues
So after fighting, and wrestling with this game all weekend, I found a few optimizations that I would like to compile, and by all means if anyone has any more, feel free to contribute.

My system before I start:
Windows Vista x64 Ultimate
4GB DDR2/PC6400
eVGA Nvidia GeForce 8800GT superclocked edition
Razer mouse/kb setup.
Widescreen LCD @ 1680x1050.

My settings are as follows (Which are still not ideal, but I refuse to sacrifice any more graphical quality)

1. I use post processing because I like the comic outlines. You can disable post-processing entirely in the video section and it makes a difference on some peoples machines.

2. At the very bottom of the video options, under troubleshooting, DISABLE frame rate stabilizer. This alone makes a significant increase in FPS.

3. Adjust random graphics settings using sliders in the video options. I keep mine roughly 150-175% across the board.


I can't speak for everyone, but I found a few other options in my nvidia CP to help me along a bit, compiled from other resources on here.

1. Right click your desktop -> nvidia control panel -> On the left side Manage 3D Settings -> Global Tab -> Ambient Occlusion. Set this setting to OFF. I've found it makes fog look a little weird since doing this, but it generally tends to increase FPS a bit.

2. In the same area, set Max pre-rendered frames to greater than the default. Mine started at 3. I jacked it up to 4-5 and it also seems to make a little bit of a difference.


1. Kind of goes without saying, but make sure any anti-virus software is turned off. You don't need anything scanning your files in the middle of an already load-intensive game.

2. Defrag. My computer is set to auto-defrag wednesday mornings at 3am. I suggest scheduling maintenance on your PC such as this. Makes things easier without having to monitor it.

So again, try these few fixes, see what works for you. I cannot guarantee everyone will have the same experience, and don't misunderstand me here, this game is by no means ACCEPTABLE still in it's current shape.

I can get 50FPS indoors, and drop as low as 5-8 FPS outdoors in crowded areas. The FPS is simply all over the place. I do find the game highly enjoyable WHEN IT WORKS, like in instances, and in door areas when im pulling 50+fps its fantastic.

I have included a screenshot of my hero of millenium city :D

Hope this helps somewhat,




  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    So after fighting, and wrestling with this game all weekend, I found a few optimizations that I would like to compile, and by all means if anyone has any more, feel free to contribute.

    My system before I start:
    Windows Vista x64 Ultimate
    4GB DDR2/PC6400
    eVGA Nvidia GeForce 8800GT superclocked edition
    Razer mouse/kb setup.
    Widescreen LCD @ 1680x1050.

    My settings are as follows (Which are still not ideal, but I refuse to sacrifice any more graphical quality)

    1. I use post processing because I like the comic outlines. You can disable post-processing entirely in the video section and it makes a difference on some peoples machines.

    2. At the very bottom of the video options, under troubleshooting, DISABLE frame rate stabilizer. This alone makes a significant increase in FPS.

    3. Adjust random graphics settings using sliders in the video options. I keep mine roughly 150-175% across the board.


    I can't speak for everyone, but I found a few other options in my nvidia CP to help me along a bit, compiled from other resources on here.

    1. Right click your desktop -> nvidia control panel -> On the left side Manage 3D Settings -> Global Tab -> Ambient Occlusion. Set this setting to OFF. I've found it makes fog look a little weird since doing this, but it generally tends to increase FPS a bit.

    2. In the same area, set Max pre-rendered frames to greater than the default. Mine started at 3. I jacked it up to 4-5 and it also seems to make a little bit of a difference.

    ***** GLOBAL ADJUSTMENTS *****

    1. Kind of goes without saying, but make sure any anti-virus software is turned off. You don't need anything scanning your files in the middle of an already load-intensive game.

    2. Defrag. My computer is set to auto-defrag wednesday mornings at 3am. I suggest scheduling maintenance on your PC such as this. Makes things easier without having to monitor it.

    So again, try these few fixes, see what works for you. I cannot guarantee everyone will have the same experience, and don't misunderstand me here, this game is by no means ACCEPTABLE still in it's current shape.

    I can get 50FPS indoors, and drop as low as 5-8 FPS outdoors in crowded areas. The FPS is simply all over the place. I do find the game highly enjoyable WHEN IT WORKS, like in instances, and in door areas when im pulling 50+fps its fantastic.

    I have included a screenshot of my hero of millenium city :D

    Hope this helps somewhat,



    Everyone says the frame rate stabilizer but that does nothing at all. My card is the Geforce 9800 GT and I should be getting better fps than your 8800 but I stay in the 20's. If I turn the UI off then it jumps about 20 fps but I cannot play with the UI off.
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