I'm not sure if my problem is dissimilar to those experience very low fps, but rather my fps seems to drop rather significantly.
My setup;
Q6600 (Overclocked to 3.2ghz)
4gb Ram
4850x2 (700/1150 core/mem)
Windows 7 x64 Ultimate
I will get 75-80fps with every single setting maxed on 1920x1200, but the fps will drop as low as 28-30 and then quickly build back up to 80fps without doing anything differently. I have my hard drive defragmented for access time using O&O and I have no background programs running at all. When running the game at 1680x? on the same identical settings the game stays at 58-60fps (with vsync on) most of the time with occasional drops to 55. Do you think the problem might be related to the games current crossfire support or my computer?
To further add I noticed in the desert area that my fps dropped from 60ish to 20-40. When I lower all the graphics settings to the lowest they can go i get 45-55fps (vsync enabled).
It's not just that, but that is certainly PART of it: the game is not properly using the GPU, and is instead puttign a lot of purely-GRAPHICAL work onto the CPU.
During OB, I had an ATI Radeon X600 (256MB) - BELOW minimum spec for the game. Now, I have a GeForce GTS 250 (1GB) - well past the recommended specs.
I get worse FPS with the GTS250, than I did with the X600. They're MUCH PRETTIER frames, but ... still, fewer of them.
The game is very heavily CPU bound. At higher resolutions you're probably slamming your CPU, whereas lower ones give it a little more breathing room.
I just figured this out myself. When running the game, my E6600 was being absolutely hammered, which would explain the performance issues. Shadows seem to have the biggest impact, with anything above simple making a huge impact on framerate.
That said, it's perfectly playable for me at the moment, but it performs far worse than anything else I've played on the system.
Make sure under advanced options and the troubleshooting section (bottom of advanced options) That you have the framerate stabilizer turned off. Best bet is just to uncheck the first three options under the throubleshooting section.
I had a very similar issue and by turning them off it smoothed everything out and the issue is no longer there.
Make sure under advanced options and the troubleshooting section (bottom of advanced options) That you have the framerate stabilizer turned off. Best bet is just to uncheck the first three options under the throubleshooting section.
I had a very similar issue and by turning them off it smoothed everything out and the issue is no longer there.
During OB, I had an ATI Radeon X600 (256MB) - BELOW minimum spec for the game. Now, I have a GeForce GTS 250 (1GB) - well past the recommended specs.
I get worse FPS with the GTS250, than I did with the X600. They're MUCH PRETTIER frames, but ... still, fewer of them.
That just shouldn't happen.
That said, it's perfectly playable for me at the moment, but it performs far worse than anything else I've played on the system.
I had a very similar issue and by turning them off it smoothed everything out and the issue is no longer there.
this doesn't fix anything