Basically, there was a post here somewhere (can't find it for the life of me) that posted a fix for choppy graphics/ low fps that basically had the user simply turn off the "Multi-threaded" option from Auto to Off.
Decided what the heck and tried it out...
Difference was like night and day, not only performance wise but also in load times as well.
It helps me by a large amount and I'm using an older dual core. I think this may be the culprit right here. The UI toggle still gets me another 10 frames on top of this increase which is the smoothest I've seen this game run on my rig(40-50 FPS standing still in MC). It's not quite perfect yet, but I suspect as they track down and squash the UI bug this game will be very playable on my PC.
I had it forced on all through beta because another game I play needs it forced on, since auto or off cause bad FPS in that game and I just forgot I had it on in my global profile. Now I wish I had known to turn it off earlier, like at the beginning of OB.
+1 internets for this man! If you've tried everything else to no avail, try this!
In the nVidia CP, go to 3D Settings > Manage 3D Settings, then in the global profile tab, change "Threaded Optimization" to Off.
This option is supposed to let applications take advantage of multiple CPUs, but this is not the first game that *required* it to be off because the application is already threading and having it on just causes a bunch of stalls and lower FPS.
There may be something to this. Athlon X2 64 3ghz and a 9400gt 1gb. I tried it and noticed an increase but I really need to do more testing to be sure.
Seems to improve it but I can't entirely tell, I'm certainly getting better fps than when in beta, about 60 when idle but I'm still below recommended settings.
The tool tip in the Options says if you have multi-core to leave it on. Can we assume that the code for thread optimization may be the bugbear? One can only hope. I would love everyone to be able to play on kick-@$$ systems.
This hasn't worked for me either. Neither does turning off the user interface, really. Perhaps 4 fps boost with UI off.
PROCESSOR: AMD Phenom II x2 550 3.1ghz per core not overclocked.
GPU: nVidia GeForce 9800GT 512 mb
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 operating system. (Same problem was occurring when I had windows xp pro x32)
While this made a noticeable difference in fps (the numbers are sometimes green now) there's still the difference when I disable the UI too btw. So there's issues with that for sure.
Plus my high-end rig should not be struggling to get 30fps out of this game. I can play Aion, CoD4 & 5, Fallout 3, etc on full settings with absolutely no problems.
I'm positive the game would be a whole lot smoother if it had some sort of intelligent 'draw-in' or a pre-cache of some sort while moving at fast speeds. Normal run speed is fine for loading things on the go but my god, super-jump is awful, moreso in Millenium City going West. Desert is just as bad in places.
I'd take WOW's fade-in loading process then 10-15 fps CO load lag anyday of the week.
But on subject, I couldn't tell a light and day difference but it's somewhat noticable on my quad system.
Athlon 64 4800+
GTX280 1GB
WinXP SP3 32-bit
I had it forced on all through beta because another game I play needs it forced on, since auto or off cause bad FPS in that game and I just forgot I had it on in my global profile. Now I wish I had known to turn it off earlier, like at the beginning of OB.
+1 internets for this man! If you've tried everything else to no avail, try this!
In the nVidia CP, go to 3D Settings > Manage 3D Settings, then in the global profile tab, change "Threaded Optimization" to Off.
This option is supposed to let applications take advantage of multiple CPUs, but this is not the first game that *required* it to be off because the application is already threading and having it on just causes a bunch of stalls and lower FPS.
Warning, I had to add the .exe manually, as the one in the options is not the same as the client that launches...
come to think of it...maybe that has something to do with it.
Nearly completely fixed the problems I was having with performance.
this is like a whole new game now, amazing.
Multicore nvidia setting: Auto
This was the original setting that I'd been playing at.
Multicore in game setting: Off
Multicore nvidia setting: Off
This is what I tried, didn't get better but didn't get worse.
Multicore in game setting: On
Multicore nvidia setting: On
This is what I'm trying now, and it's working a bit better in terms of FPS and slow down.
So to conclude, turning it off didn't help but forcing it on did seem to, at least a little.
Now, turning the UI off, that makes the game run like a whole other game.
PROCESSOR: AMD Phenom II x2 550 3.1ghz per core not overclocked.
GPU: nVidia GeForce 9800GT 512 mb
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 operating system. (Same problem was occurring when I had windows xp pro x32)
You forgot one:
Multicore in game setting: On
Multicore nvidia setting: Off
Apparently the option doesn't show up for the majority of Intel processors prior to Core2Duos. No clue why.
Plus my high-end rig should not be struggling to get 30fps out of this game. I can play Aion, CoD4 & 5, Fallout 3, etc on full settings with absolutely no problems.
I'd take WOW's fade-in loading process then 10-15 fps CO load lag anyday of the week.
But on subject, I couldn't tell a light and day difference but it's somewhat noticable on my quad system.
So what is multicore really called int nvidia control panel?
Threaded Optimization
thank you
That won't work, IIRC... atm, the gameclient.exe is inside of execs.hogg and can't be the target of a profile.
I couldn't notice any difference unless the change was in the global profile.
Changing the setting for the launcher .exe is as useless as it sounds.