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Logged out in powerhouse...respec no longer free

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
edited August 2009 in Gameplay Bugs
I just logged out in the powerhouse for a moment to change my nVidia graphics settings. Prior to logging out, I bought a new power and spent 4 advantage points. All of these should have been free respecs as long as I didn't leave the powerhouse.

When I came back online, only the last 2 advantage points were free respecs. The new power and the other 2 advantage points cost a LOT of resources to undo.

I was just testing. Now I'm basically locked into a power and 2 advantage points I do not want.
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I've never had the Respecs be "FREE".... when I go to the Power House for the first time ALL Respecs have an ASTRONOMICAL Price! This really bothers me. They restricted the number of Talent pools. Then, on these forums, a Cryptic rep suggested I "creatively respec" to keep my Talent pool at the top till they "fix things". So Now I simply can't create the characters that I want!

    CRYPTIC! I DON'T WANT YOUR "COOKIE CUTTER" CHARACTERS!!! I pre-ordered this game based on code base that you have now nerfed into oblivion. This constitutes a form of "bait and switch" - and unless you ALLOW us to respec our characters - at NO COST!! - I will cancel my subscription, do a charge back on my "pre subscription", and NOT BUY the Game

    I am so angry at this point that it's good that I'm no where near Cryptic Studios, or I'd be tempted to do something stupid! Like try to start an Angry Protest, with signs, and blocking employees from going to work, and doing lots of yelling.... :p
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