E6300 C2Duo
8800GTS 640mb
4gigs cosair ram
Win Vista 32bit
Ive posted several times on performance and just wanted to share what I noticed this morning...
Early this morning when I logged in about 8am cst, I thought a miracle patch had happened, I was getting over 40 frames anywhere in the game.. My bud was also logged in and said the same thing in ventrilo... wow they must have fixed the fps issues... All was good for about an hour...
Now its 11am cst and its back to being very glitchy and getting around 18fps.... my bud also has the same results on his pc as well....
And yesterday my fps was terrible, hanging around 18 and when the servers crashed or went down, I logged right back in and there were only a few instances going.... my fps shot thru the roof again for a few minutes until everyone was back in the game... then back to 18ish...
I know we have all talked about different things causing the problem but I honestly think more than anything else, its just when lots of people are in the game playing...
I do get a few more fps when disabling the UI etc.... and Im sure they are on to somthing there, but ive played since closed beta and it always seems to get better frames when there is not alot of people on... same as yesterday after the crash and early this morning....
Just wanted to throw that out there and see if anyone else has noticed this...