Due to the forum "archive" I am re-posting this as it has helped so many people in the past.
Many people have found that if you Disable Catalyst AI in CCC on multiple cores/cards the game becomes really smooth again. The game was jumpy for me until I did this on my 4870X2. I realise this isn't logical, essentially disabling a core, but it really does help. While the game is great at using multiple CPU cores, it really hates multiple GPU cores. This has been the same in the closed beta, open beta and now release. At the very least give it a try, it has helped many!
Also, update your drivers to at least Catalyst 9.7s. Some of the graphical features in CO do not function properly without them! Also, with the release of the Catalyst 9.8 drivers, we now have decent automatic fan control that scales with load/temps on the card.
Another setting that helps improve FPS: Adaptive AA. Switching this off doesnt dramatically affect AA quality in-game, but does greatly improve FPS. Give it a try

Hope this helps some people.
While this hasn't resoved my issues with flying through a populated area turning into a slide show, it has improved overall FPS noticably. Thanks.
Radeon HD 4890, 8g RAM, Intel Core 2 Quad @ 2.50g.
It might...it will definitely help X2 type cards...not sure about the 2xxx series. Go in to Catalyst Control Panel, into the 3D panel and there should be an option in there somewhere for Catalyst AI. The settings sometimes change with new driver releases, but the options available now are: Disabled, Standard and Advanced. You want disabled
Another thing to mention...turning off Adaptive AA helps considerably too!
Sorry to be a pain, but I can't seem to find the control panel. Any help there?
Should be on the taskbar with the icons next to the clock.
At least we have AA now. It was only implemented recently on ATI cards
I'm using the in-game AA settings. I will have to try setting AA on in the control panel, see if it makes any difference.
My overall performance isn't bad, but it's not great. I can do okay near max settings, unless I'm around a lot of people (like the Rikti, um..., Qularr Invasions), then I need to turn off post processing to keep things from getting too choppy.
Still nothing. It's not there.
Right click on the desktop? Open Control Panel and look for it there?
Turns out CCC has an issue with being installed on a boot camp version of Vista. Took me awhile and a lot of frustration, but it finally has appeared. I'll see if these settings can help me performance. Thanks!
So far, turning off AA in game and also disabling it in CCC has provided one of the most significant boost - I'm now hovering near 18-20fps generally, rather than 12-15. So Champions and the ATI drivers are certainly getting at cross purposes somewhere. Or DirectX is, perhaps.
I've also noted that certain things really hammer the frame rate. I was on the Iron/Gold swords quest in Mil city. There were more hangers-on for Gold than I expected so I TP'd out to reset, then dropped back in to deal with one of the groups. As I was doing this, a Gadgeteer dropped in - he certainly had the healing pets going, and proceded to stomp both Gold and my framerate.
Whats worse, even when he'd gone, the framerate stayed down in the single figures, and occasionally well in the slideshow form. There were no trailing visual effects or anything like that but it was almost as if whatever framerate hogging effects that he'd brought were still there, being calculated, but not actually drawn.