No need for gifts or awards, The F.L.E.A. is just doing what any person with superhero fighting ability would do. (looking totally hot while doing it!)
If, on the other hand, you are persistent about giving The F.L.E.A. a gift, you may send it to:
The F.L.E.A.
275 Feline Drive
Millennium City, CO (be warned postman, my establishment tends to move around a lot.)
The F.L.E.A. thanks you for your generosity, but it is time to go back to work saving the world that you love. Don't fret, The F.L.E.A. will leave you with something to remember him by.
A THEME SONG! (a 100% creative, personal masterwork!)
If there's somethin' strange in your neighborhood,
Who ya gonna call? The F.L.E.A.!
If it's somethin' weird an it don't look good,
Who ya gonna call? The F.L.E.A.!