Can you remove that windows 7 rc is not supported message at least for people with the real windows 7. I got windows 7 professional through my school and still get spammed by that message everytime it start abit anoying.
Can you remove that windows 7 rc is not supported message at least for people with the real windows 7. I got windows 7 professional through my school and still get spammed by that message everytime it start abit anoying.
Right click the exe and run it in Win Service Pack 2 mode. Worked for me.
Can you remove that windows 7 rc is not supported message at least for people with the real windows 7. I got windows 7 professional through my school and still get spammed by that message everytime it start abit anoying.
Unlikely they will remove the message until October 22, since that is the official release date of Windows 7. Not many people will have the RTM version at this point.
Not like it is THAT annoying, since it is just a single dialog box that you click Yes on. At most, they might change the wording to remove Release Candidate.
The point of the message is not to say the game won't run, it's to say that if you do happen to have problems they are unlikely to help you.
Unsupported = "we haven't officially tested and approved it, use at your own discretion".
I'm sure once the retail version comes out that message will quickly go away. While many of us are using the OS without any problems, it's still considered a pre-release version.
Right click the exe and run it in Win Service Pack 2 mode. Worked for me.
Unlikely they will remove the message until October 22, since that is the official release date of Windows 7. Not many people will have the RTM version at this point.
Not like it is THAT annoying, since it is just a single dialog box that you click Yes on. At most, they might change the wording to remove Release Candidate.
You can also do this with a shortcut. Right click, select properties, then the compatibility tab. Best to go with Windows Vista (service pack 2).
Unsupported = "we haven't officially tested and approved it, use at your own discretion".
I'm sure once the retail version comes out that message will quickly go away. While many of us are using the OS without any problems, it's still considered a pre-release version.