I've just started working on new characters and I've taken them to both Crisis zones, Canada and the Desert, and both times the game freezes on the cutscene, after that it's absolutely fine, but it's kindof annoying to have to close the client and restart just to zone in through the cutscenes. It doesn't seem to matter where I'm coming from either, it freezes when I leave 'The Celebration' and transfering from one of the crisis zones to the other for the first time.
Any thoughts? Should I try redownloading? Should I reinstall?
Another note: It does not freeze and crash at the very first tutorial area in MC.
Oh, last note, this never happened during the beta, only just started after Head Start.
I'm having EXACTLY this same issue. it'll load the tutorial cutscene fine. the others? it locks my system up,, at best I mgiht HEAR the audio for the cutscene,b ut the client locks to the point where I have to kill it in Task manager, that is if I can get there.
it's happened to me every time I change zones. First entering the crisis zone desert, again when I tried to exit the hatch, again when I went to milenium city, then again when I went to canada.
happens to me too, probably because my computer is a pos what else can i expect from a single core 2.6 over clocked to 3.2 and a gpu thats older than my dead dog:p