1. When creating a character a recall (or undo) button when you are changing things. Including when you are pressing the randomize button. Too many times I have been setting there hitting, "random, random, random , oops. That last one looked cool. Oh well, too late." It would be nice to be able to go back to it.
2. A separate program to be able to create the physical features of you character (I know about the one that does the powers), and then be able to put in a numeric string to bring that combo up on the real character creator. My son and I both play, and we have to share one computer that is able to run it, but both have computers that are just under specs too. When one is playing, or when the game computer is otherwise occupied, we could be designing a cool character on another computer.
There already is an undo button in the character creator, along with a redo and default button. Look towards the lower left corner of your screen.
Also, there are save and load buttons at the middle bottom. At any time you can save the costume/body that you like, continue to tweak and save again. It doesn't overwrite the costumes so you can go back to any one that you already have saved.
"There already is an undo button in the character creator, along with a redo and default button. Look towards the lower left corner of your screen."
There is a "back" button, but that only takes you to the previous screen. It will not undo changes made on your current screen. Mainly it's needed on the first screen when you can randomize your character.
If you hit Random on the first page, you can go to the next one and hit Undo; or just hit Random All on the second page so the Undo button is right there.
Odd, I can see the undo/redo/default buttons in the first "choose your face" window as seen in the jpg below. There is a known bug where, if you change the scale of your UI, some of the character creation options are being cut off. Perhaps this is happening to you? If this is not the case, I highly suggest bugging it. Good luck!
Yes, I found it does work from there. Would be nice if the same buttons were back on the first screen where you select male and female, and randomize there. That's the page I was talking about, but I can randomize there, and then go 2 screens forward to do undo.
So I guess now I should say, it would be nice to have a undo button on the male/female/randomize page.
Also, there are save and load buttons at the middle bottom. At any time you can save the costume/body that you like, continue to tweak and save again. It doesn't overwrite the costumes so you can go back to any one that you already have saved.
There is a "back" button, but that only takes you to the previous screen. It will not undo changes made on your current screen. Mainly it's needed on the first screen when you can randomize your character.
So I guess now I should say, it would be nice to have a undo button on the male/female/randomize page.