My internet crashed for 2 and a half seconds, which caused me to lose connection with the server, while selecting a canada map to zone to, after finishing Into the Storm. Now it says "Unable to load mission Eye of the Storm" in red letters when logging in, and when I try to select a canada map to zone to, I cannot zone out, it says "Unable to Transfer Character."
Please... someone help? I'm stuck in the instance, everything is dead, so I can't even farm the zombies and Raksasha for experience. I don't want to have to delete my first level 11.5 character
I submitted an in game bug report, and in game GM support request, but I keep getting logged out trying to zone to Canada, so I can't be sure if I've already missed the support reply or not.
I'd log and create another character if I knew just waiting might fix it, but I'm not certain that it would.
And all your character access the same tickets in the help menu.