It appears the star destroyer super team Forum thread has vanished with over 2k + posts worth of information could you folks at cryptic do us a big favor and ya know find it?
Seems kinda weird but is understandable with all the updating and general site work you guys are working on that stuff of this nature happens, but still we kinda need it back up and about as we need to recheck our listings for recruits and openings and in general just need it back.
Our thread has disappeared too. Glad to see it's affecting other people too, means it wasn't just us, lol. I've PMed moderators and the admin about it, I hope they get it fixed soon.
Ahhh!!! It's the apocalypse!! I thought that the SD thread just went way back because all of the new threads being made. But they just wiped the forum! Now we have to get all our threads back!
So you will not get your old threads back!
Just use the guild forum or something.
Star Destroyer Forums
Ralph phail'd. :P