I'm considering creating a supergroup come launch called <Speed Freaks>. I just need some other players who would like to join and aid in running the SG because I can only play Thursday - Sunday for the time being.
I'm very open to suggestions from those interested in joining.
Current Information
PvE ... Yes
PvP ... Yes
Roleplaying ... Low, Medium, or Heavy depending on the preference of founding members.
Grouping ... Of course
Voice Chat - Possibly
Website (or forums) - I do have time for this during the week, so most likely a yes.
I will claim founding leadership, but will by no means make the decisions.
Supergroup decisions will be based upon a vote from all members, one member = one vote no matter the rank.
- 16 years old
- Primary Travel power must be Super Speed
- Must have a Mohawk (Multi-colored optional but recommended)
- Team Player
This is all I can think of at the moment, but I thought I would get the thread on the boards incase anyone else is interested in joining. After all, I might get lonely in a one man gang... I mean super team.