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MEGAFORCE MEGARecruitment Thread--Now With 30% More MEGA

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
Are you MEGA enough for MEGAFORCE?

I can't improve on Ring's original post, so I won't even try. Here it is with minor edits.

Greetings citizens, heroes, commercial sponsors, insurance adjusters, and attorney's specializing in liability and innocent bystander compensation law.

Despite the fact that each and every member of MEGAFORCE is already so incredibly MEGA that they could save the world up to five times a day single-handedly (assuming breaks for secret identity maintenance, bodily functions where applicable, and interfacing with dependent non-player characters), we are accepting applications for entry to the MEGAFORTRESS in hopes of finding more kindred spirits to accompany us in smiting the forces of evil, spreading hope to fellow citizens and heroes alike, accumulating a wider audience for our Saturday morning cartoon, and providing our sponsors with additional product placement opportunities!

Our mission is simple: Be MEGA!

Our expectations are clear: Be MEGA!

Our Multivitamin of choice: Nutritech's B MEGA!

Joining MEGAFORCE isn't the easiest thing to accomplish, first you must already be MEGA. Second, you have to be willing to be more MEGA over time. That is, until we start advertising that we are even more MEGA in which case you will have to bring a little extra MEGA to the table.

MEGAFORCE is a Non-Roleplaying Super Group with aims on world domination, but in a nice way. Sometimes we goof off from an in-character perspective, and I wouldn't be surprised if a few static mission-rp teams sprouted up from time to time. But at large, no RP, so if that's a big thing for you, better look elsewhere.

MEGAFORCE's core is made up of a few friends who met a long time ago in a different city, and have managed to stay in contact through the move. We have addded additional members recently, and many have proved to be more MEGA than we thought new recruits could possibly be. But don't let that intimidate you, we are looking to make new friends, extra friends, and even some new enemies. I'm serious about this, really.

MEGAFORCE discriminates against random costumes or even just downright bad costumes, furries who are furry for the sake of being furry, characters without solid concepts/backgrounds or who are very much un-heroic (un-comic-able), or characters that are built to exploit a bug or break concept to achieve a convenient exploitative synergy between powers. Continuity is a big thing in the comics, and it's a big thing for us. We will make exceptions in rare circumstances, or maybe we will just appear to make exceptions to appease sponsors, insurance agencies, or our lawyers, but it's not something you should bank on. Oh wait a minute, speaking of lawyers, our lawyers just told me to strike this whole section so lets pretend that I never said any of it (but remember it because it's true).

MEGAFORCE will probably PvP, to some degree anyway. But our main focus is hanging out together, and having fun. We will do solo content with a full team, because we can, and doing stuff with friends is totally MEGA. We will hold costume contests, scavenger hunts, tank hurling contests, and anything else we can think of that might be MEGA. But mostly, we will be heroes, and laugh. It's what MEGAFORCERS do.

MEGAFORCE is family-friendly, but it's not for kiddies. If you weren't alive when The Dark Knight or Watchmen was originally published, you might not identify with the majority of our MEGAFORCERS. However, if your Mom or Dad joins us, then we welcome offspring.

MEGAFORCE Helps people. MEGAFORCERS are Helpful, Courteous, and good Sportspeoples. We expect the same out of everyone who applies to join. Remember the whole Be MEGA thing?

To apply to MEGAFORCE simply contact us in game or in this thread, or even better, visit our MEGASITE at www.mfers.net and register. After you register, post an introduction/application in the "Join Us" section. We will be in contact as soon as the background check is complete!

Thanks for reading!
Post edited by Archived Post on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I will not!

    I will give this post my full attention!

    I shall raise it as if it was one of my own!

    Soon, it will grow to hate how you abandoned it and shall seek revenge!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Well, I thought that we killed the other post, but it won't die. And then Ring put in a note saying that open recruitment is closed, but people can still apply. Oringinally that's what this said.

    I think the original recruitment post has chimerism. You know, where it eats its sibling?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    For the love of all that is good and MEGA, repost the post! It chooses LIFE!

    Besides, it required 5% more MEGA than mine did, and that's pretty darn MEGA.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Ring wrote:
    For the love of all that is good and MEGA, repost the post! It chooses LIFE!

    Besides, it required 5% more MEGA than mine did, and that's pretty darn MEGA.

    I hope you're happy now. It looks like we're spamming.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Whole thread is Mega spam.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Yarnith wrote:
    Whole thread is Mega spam.

    After having read your posts, I'm totally blowing you off.


    The application for MEGAFORCE is up. Right now, at the start of this game, we're looking for more or less everything, with some caveats. If you like being involved with the gaming community, if you like actually having people to team with, if you're looking for a group that already has their vent up as well as their website, you just might want to check us out.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    We are receiving some really quality applications! Thanks for the response, guys.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    It's been a busy day at the MEGAFORTRESS. Oreos and pie and some discussion of stolen donuts. Still room for more.

    Let me put it to you this way: Billy Mays would have joined us. You trust Billy, don't you?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Eat, Drink, be MEGA!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2009

    Made of 100% MEGA? We are accepting applications at our site.

    Ventrilo is up and running. MEGA has a huge level of participation planned for this weekend.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Brick House will make anything at least 37.4% more MEGA just by posting in it!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2009

    Two posts in my recruitment thread asked me to expound on my application and divulge more about myself. I did so. Then my application is denied -- despite letting me down gently...hehe! -- and the thread is locked so I'm unable to even respond. Admittedly, it's a bummer but I'm more curious as to why the thread was locked. I understand that the info I shared was personal...c'est la vie! The post I responded to said that my application would "in no way" be affected by my answers to the questions. Permit me, also, one last question (and you don't have to censor yourself...hehe! I'm a big boy and can handle it LOL!): Really, why was I denied MEGAentrance into MEGAFORCE?

    Very Truly Yours,

    Vagrant Theologian
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Hey Vagrant,

    I sent you a PM.

    But just so it's clear to the world, declined applications are locked to prevent anyone from replying, not the applicant specifically, but anyone in the world. And you will always be given a point of contact for future discussion. In your specific case, it was me!

    I'm up for dialogue, so let me know.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I apologize then. At the time I read the thread I didn't see a PM so I felt a little brushed off. Heh. It's all good!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Come be MEGA...

    Let the games begin! Operation Head Start has begun!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    The SG is currently in Vent, working on getting the official SG started within the game. Now is the perfect time to apply or party with MEGAFORCE!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    RING ya gonna be mad at me but i wouldnt mind a small mfer rp group dont beat me up in the hero games for this lol
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