No I dont mean a suicide girl....although that would be nice :rolleyes:
Basically I have noooo friends on this game...and doubt I will as I dont have many friend that play MMO's =[
I want to find a fun Super Group that doesnt take things to seriously like roleplay and so on or that only have certain types of hero. All I ask it is that it doesnt have a.....well less than savoury name and that bad looking heroes arent abundant.
Nothing against people who choose those names or characters but I take a lot of time perfecting my hereoes styles. Im not a comic book fan and never really have been. But I love the genre and this MMO =]
I live in the UK but Id prefer a mixed country SG cause I usuallly play till the wee hours of the morning

But yeah if anyone out there is recruiting let me know =] oh and Im 20 an SG with people near my age would be nice just so I have some peers =]
Thanks for reading this poorly constructed block of text
We've got people in Europe and North America, we're aged from 20s to late 30s (and possibly either side of that) and we're... well, we're clowns. How serious do you expect us to be?
We're over here and here.
And if crime fighting clowns isn't your thing... that's all good too
(Oh, and I'm from London but moved to NY because frankly London's a pit. This is apropos of nothing at all)
Haha thanks for the offer but Im not really into turning my heroes into clowns XD I like to spend hours making the style just right for each one
No worries - thought that might be the case, but it was worth a shot!
Hmm Im not too sure, need to see what other places have spaces available atm