OOC Information:
The Council is a new role-playing supergroup developed for Champions Online. Holding 20 members strong. We are a dedicated group of likeminded individuals seeking to explore all that the game has to offer. Ranging from light to heavy role-play, casual to hardcore game styles, The Council establishes the perfect environment for you to enjoy intelligent company and make lasting friends. We are a mature supergroup, emphasizing quality over quantity and enjoyment of the game over everything else. If you are an active player and looking for a great way to launch your Champions Online experience, please check out our website headquarters at
http://thecouncilhq.guildlaunch.com .
*** You scan the letter quickly, and it reads exactly as you would expect. It had been addressed to you, personally delivered moments ago by a nondescript government service agent looking like anyone else you might have seen on the streets of Millennium that day.
This, however, was no ordinary letter. You had been expecting it. At some point you became interested in The Council, and the rest of the events fell right into place. Now there you stand, knowing that this might be your only chance to achieve your goals. There may still be some doubts in your mind, but you have never been one to pass up a golden opportunity, have you? ***
The Council
In recent years with the growing threats to the general population of Millennium, the city government saw fit to ease the conscious of the citizenry and implement a civil defense agency to handle the excess workload from the city police and even the more specialized units.
This agency was originally tasked with a myriad of vague responsibilities, layers of red tape over every proceeding, and the ever constant intervention by politicians and state accountants. Government Agents, such as the man known as Shadow Fall, worked day and night on cases ranging from paranormal activities, mysterious disappearances, demonic possession, and runaway gunmen.
It soon became apparent that the effectiveness of the operation was lacking, and public unrest began to stir. In a bold move, especially considering his status as a mutant, the Traveler and his subordinates proposed a new plan
one that would end the corruption and again bring safety back to the streets of Millennium!
The Council.
Acting as an independent organization with governmental sanction but no limited by the bureaucratic constraints or subjected to the influence of their funding, The Council would be free to ensure the safety of the citizenry and form an effective free agency against crime.
Currently under the leadership of the Shadow Fall, the organization is on a stunning rebound. Now a bastion of scientists, ex-military, mystics, paranormal investigators, technical savants, and dozens of super heroes, membership in The Council for civil defense is a highly sought after honor.
Acting as a free agent and utilizing the resources of The Council is a valuable asset to anyone, and The Council still provides a much needed sense of security to the people they protect!
Contacts: The Shadow Fall@Crystizer, or Blackmantle@Blackmantle.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you for your interest!
- Shadow Fall.
Race or Origin: African Human
Alias or Agent Name: Sterkhemel
Identity: No need for a secret identity.
Education: None. Was captured and brought to the states by his nemesis. Basic understanding of the English language. Communicates ((usually)) through growls and one word sentences.
Powers: Super Strength((Might)), can phase in and out of our plane of reality ((Teleportation)) and bring two Guardian Wolves with him ((Command Animals)). Other than that, no powers.
Crafting Ability: Arms
History or Background:http://forums.champions-online.com/showthread.php?t=29215
Reason for becoming a Council free agent: Tired of doing things by himself, wanted a place to belong. ((Subject to change))
Would you be willing to wear a matching costume similiar or close to then your teamates later on? Not applicable, doesn't wear a costume. Could dye the fur of severed lion head on shoulder if need be.
What is your Champions Online account name? Ripper-Roo
- Training
- Badges
- Ranks
- Rewards
- Squadrons of 5
- Events
- Last But Not Least Roleplay****
We are a supergroup who plan to stick after the beta. So those looking for a home before launch. The Council is here for you.
Race or origin: Part beast, part human magican
Alias or Agent Name: dR3ik@0UTBR3AKE
Identity: No need for a secret identity.
Education: None. im quite smart aqually i know arcane magic
Powers: Ego i use Psy darts. Travel with my super jump.
Crafting Ability: Mysticism
Backround: i just like to replay
History or Background: none.
Reason for becoming a Council free agent: I want to be in a team of organizated superheroes that can save people efectivelly and in a small amount of time
How often do you play and what is your time zone? +2GTM
Is there anything else you would like us to know? How many members are in the supergroup?
Race or Origin: Human, Caucasian
Alias or Agent Name: The Brown Brawler
Identity: Secret (Though with enough research, someone could probably figure it out.
Education Level: Two years of college, but extremely intuitive in Business
Powers: Might Super Strength gained from an experimental Mutagen, which increases upon use. Every time he lifts a car, it becomes easier, until hes juggling them three at a time. Flight via Jet Pack.
Crafting Specialization: Arms
Brief history or background: Tony Brown worked his way through a small-town community college by fighting in a small-time boxing league under the mantle The Brown Brawler. It was good work, and he was simply good at it finding and opponents weak spot, manipulating it, and then pounding until the other young man fell. But he was never vicious he enjoyed the thrill an the exercise. As Tony made his was through the ranks, he was approached by a shady looking business man. The man requested that Tony take a dive on the next match, and, if he complied, hed be supplied over time with the money he needed for school. This would mean that Tony no longer had to worry about losing matches and failing to meet his tuition payments. However, Tony had never been one to live under false pretenses. He declined the offer. The business man, not wanting to lose his investment, responded in a way lowlifes normally do he cheated. He slipped a small block of metal into his fighters right glove, and when the first blow hit Tony in the small of his back, the match was over one of his discs shattered and sliced into his spinal chord paralyzing Tony from the waist down.
Fast Forward, and Tony is a young Business man himself. He is the head of public relations nothing fancy, but it gets the bills paid. And he quickly found that people were more likely to listen to him from the comfort of his wheel chair, and even to invest out of pity. However, no amount of investments could change the fact that the companys leading research item a mutagen aimed at curing cancer was a failure. In fact, the mutagen proved lethal. About to lose everything else he had in the world, and in a moment of weakness, Tony took the mutagen, aiming to lose his life to the thing he had devoted it to.
But the mutagen had an odd effect on the young man it made him stronger. His spinal chord regenerated, knitting itself back together. His arms and legs were suddenly bundled in muscle hard as diamond. He was a new man, a new lease on life, and he was NOT going to waste it.
He created a simple costume, and proceeded to break up the local gambling rings. When he ran out of those, he bought himself a used jetpack from another local crimefighter, and flew on to the next town.
Reason for joining The Council: When The Brown Brawler started out, he could lift around 400 pounds, which was completely sufficient to take down the local gambling rings. However, as his powers have grown, he has realized that he has more to offer the world. Being young and unfamiliar with the ways of crime fighting, he has pursued The Councils guidance and comradeship.
Would you be willing/able to have a secondary supergroup costume? : Yes, however, Yellow and Red seem a little bright will we be allowed to choose our own shades of the two?
How often do you play and what is your time zone? Ill be playing pretty often, at least until school starts up August 31st.
Is this a main or alternate character? Main my alts may join later, simply depending on how often I play them
What is your Champions Online contact handle? jbor613
Is there anything else you would like us to know? My real name is Joey (Feel free to refer to me by this OOC), and Im a sophomore in college. Im a social gamer, and new to the world of Role Play.
Race or Origin: Human, Earth
Alias or Agent Name: Grant Forse
Identity: Publicly Known
Education Level: High School Diploma, Bach of Architecture
Powers: Firearm knowledge
Crafting Specialization: Arcana Mystisism
Brief history or background: An ex Spec Ops Unit that found his family's ancestry of magic while in a emotional and physical life crisis. ((more to come))
Reason for joining The Council: To learn more about his family and to get back on his feet.
Would you be willing/able to have a secondary supergroup costume? Yes
How often do you play and what is your time zone? I will try to play as much as possible, but if school interrupts I must sacrifice. Sorry. Eastern Standard Time (USA)
Is this a main or alternate character? Main
What is your Champions Online contact handle? JollyJoft
Is there anything else you would like us to know? I have a vast background in mmos and gaming including beta testing City of Heroes, Everquest II, Aion, and many others. I am also a 2nd Year College Student in boston. My real name is Jon.
Race or Origin: Human
Alias or Agent Name: Kaleidoscope
Identity: Like anyone cares who I am
Education Level: Mostly high school with some college level chemistry and biology
Powers: Biochemical-kinesis. By manipulating a persons biochemistry she can currently: create vivid and terrifying hallucinations; cause debilitating but non-lethal pain; accelerate a persons natural immune system.
Crafting Specialization: Science-Mutations
Brief history or background: As a bright, but disaffected slacking Ann Arbor teen, Odessa Lantze was on track to perpetuate her parent's predictably successful, but ultimately unfulfilled upper-middle-class lifestyle. But as this track led her unsurprisingly to drug experimentation, a surprising thing happened that altered the course of her life.
One weekend when her parents were away, Odessa and some "new friends" skipped Friday class and met in her basement to drop acid. The friends claimed to be experienced, but this was Odessa's first time. Disappointed at the lack of immediate effect, Odessa took more, and once her trip started, it wouldn't stop. After a few hours, these friends returned to normal while Odessa took a turn for the worse. By morning Odessa was still tripping, terrified, believing at times that she was going to die, dying, and already dead, and though she begged these friends to help her, to get her to a hospital, they abandoned her. Her surreal blending of horror, panic, and stupefaction persisted through Sunday and into Monday when her parents were due to return, aggravating her greatest fear of all, the fear of being caught.
But along with fear, that Monday morning brought epiphany. In her mind, she retreated into her own body, shrunk down to the microscopic level where molecules swirled around her, big and bulbous, like sentient carnival balloons. Poking one with her finger, it burst and sent a chain reaction cascading through the rest of the cluster destroying it. She did this to another and another and with each collection she destroyed, she felt clearer and clearer until she returned to normal.
When she'd fully recovered a few days later, she searched the internet for all she could find on LSD and was stunned when she saw that the molecular diagram of lysergic acid diethylamide was exactly what she touched in her vision. Though the testimonials she found upon further research we plenty strange, there was nothing like her experience, which got her thinking that maybe what she did was real and not a result of the drug. She lay on her bed and tried to return inward. After a few nights of persistence, at that moment teetering on the cusp of wakefulness and sleep, she caught another glimpse. The next night she was able to reach out and touch one of the floating molecule clusters of her body. And the night after that, she decided to experiment. She grabbed parts and pieces of the molecules around her and reconstructed the LSD-25 molecule she remembered and when she did, the psychedelic feeling returned. But it was separate from the consciousness she felt insider herself, and she easily returned the molecules to normal.
What Odessa went on to discover is that the drug was indeed only a catalyst that revealed her amazing innate ability. She practiced more on herself and then tried to enter the bodies of others. She found success there as well, manipulating the biochemistry of others to create hallucinations. She discoverednot without some irony for this slacker teenthat the breadth of her ability depends directly on her knowledge of biochemistry. She needs a deep understanding of what shes building or taking apart within someones body. So with this, shed gained a newfound fervor for studying chemistry, surpassing her fellow students and advancing to college courses from the 11th grade.
Reason for joining The Council: After befriending and eventually confiding in her college chemistry professor, he let her know of an organization that might be able to help her develop her gift. And though she is young, the Council grasped the true potential of her power, more so than Odessa herself, and were determined to keep this impressionable young girl out of the hands of those who could use her tremendous power for ill.
Would you be willing/able to have a secondary supergroup costume? You betcha!
How often do you play and what is your time zone? Eastern Timezone, play schedule is still TBD.
Is this a main or alternate character? I dont fathom the distinction. My characters are like my children, how can I love one more than another?
What is your Champions Online contact handle? The_Warrior
P.S. Love the profiles by the way.
Characters Real Name: Heinrich Mundozer
Race or Origin: Aryan
Alias or Agent Name: Mundozer
Identity: Publicly Known (although not thought to be the Original Heinrich Mundozer)
Education Level: Multiple PhD level diplomas (including Chemical Engineering, and a myriad of chemistry subjects: Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Organic Chemistry)
Powers: Rapid Healing - Enhanced physical functions
Crafting Specialization: Science
Brief history or background: Heinrich Mundozer was a brilliant German scientist, in most time periods he would have been free to work for the betterment of mankind. Such was not the case in 1930s Germany. A madman named Hilter had taken control of the country, taking advantage of its desperation for change and using his charisma to furnish his diabolical ends.
Mundozer was unfortunately chosen to lead the Nazi Super Soldier program, he was sequestered in early 1935 with his team of scientists in a very secret location - they were totally isolated from the outside world.
Heinrich's team made astonishing advancements in the fields of chemistry and biology, molecular manipulation, and genetic engineering. They worked long and hard for many years.
By 1941 they were in the final stages of testing before human trials, for the past year Mundozer's team had been submitting unstable and extremely dangerous samples for animal and plant testing. They were always astonished to see extremely detailed results come back from the labs, including strikingly accurate projections on how hypothetical human test subjects might have reacted... all extrapolated from the plant and animal data... at least ... that's what Heinrich Mundozer thought.
In actuality Nazi scientists were using his prototype formulas on prisoners, horribly disfiguring them and after many hours of agony, killing them as well. One horrible day, Mundozer discovered this atrocity ; he also learned of his governments bloodthirsty war, the devastation, and what his research would actually be used for.
Mundozer couldn't bear the thought of Hitler have control of an army of super-soldiers; nearly indestructible killing machines, which he could use to wipe out all those who opposed him. Heinrich did the only thing he could... he ingested the finished formula, destroyed all his research, and killed everyone with knowledge of the project. Including his co-workers, with whom he had spent nearly a decade. It was a heart breaking decision, but he knew it had to be done. He would make sure no one ever duplicated his work. After stealing all the money in the laboratory complex safe (almost 1 million dollars) he burnt it to the ground.
He has lived on, never aging, and taking on the identity of other members of the Mundozer family throughout the years, currently he is living as Heinrich Mundozer the Third. His own grandson.
Reason for joining The Council: [/COLOR] Mundozer is attempting to rise in the ranks of The Council because he believes members of this organization are pursuing a similar formula to the one he developed all those years ago in Germany. He plans to discover who knows what, and make sure his research is never duplicated. By whatever means necessary.
Would you be willing/able to have a secondary supergroup costume? : YES
How often do you play and what is your time zone?: 20hrs/week - EST
Is this a main or alternate character? Undecided
What is your Champions Online contact handle? @Gillos
Is there anything else you would like us to know? No
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Seeing how the game could do with a bit more teaming up, I came to realize that RP could and will probably spice things up even more. I enjoy the idea of having some fun living out my quests rather than speeding through them from time to time. Although characters will be deleted at the end of the BETA, I look forward to being part of the team at the release so here's my application - one thing to be considered *at this point my character is named differently (Nyan) but things will change once the release starts:
Characters Real Name:
Prototype RC011
Male (designed as one )
Race or Origin: (Alien, Human, Robot, African American, Caucasian, etc.)
Alias or Agent Name: (Super Hero name)
Computer Generated Aliases - RC011
Identity: (Secret, Publicly Known, Average Joe, etc.)
High-Tech Warfare Ground/Air Unit // Secret Gov. Project
Education Level: N/A
Powers: (Be as discrete as necessary, framework and their origin is sufficient)
Power Armor
Crafting Specialization: Science, Mysticism, or Arms?
Brief history or background:
Troubled by the recent outbreaks of Quilars and the up-coming invasion of the Destroids, the Government's Warfare Development Department (WDD) have decided to unveil their secret project regarding national defense.
The project called Prototype RC011 has been in development for a couple of years now but it has never seen daylight. Programmed by the finest developers in the state, tested in some of the hardest circumstances one could find him/her self in, RC011 has shown great progress and the men down at the WDD think it is now ready to take on most of the challenges out there.
Suited and packed with the finest Power Armor defensive systems and weaponry, RCO11 can withstand great damage while bringing down its foes one by one. It is a unit fitted to work at its best both on ground and while in air by channeling the power from 2 high-tech packs of jets and releasing it through specially designed in-suit slots, making the RC011 seem like it is heating the air around it, using this to its advantage.
The one unique implementation that makes the Prototype RC011 stand out is the fact that it has been programmed to react to its surroundings using a conscience-like system which weights its options, thus making it impossible to go rampage in the wrong spot or against the wrong people. In other words, RC011 is programmed to feel and think on its own. Having said that, expect some funny, unforgettable comments and reactions from the RC011 if you happen to meet it.
Password Required: ***********
Activate Prototype RC011 // Charge-up Systems // Perform Weaponry Check-Up // Log Out
Activate Prototype RC011....
Prototype RC011 activation in progress...
Activation COMPLETE - Prototype RC011 OPERATIONAL
Reason for joining The Council:
Like Ive already stated above, in my introductory paragraph, I think playing and RPing wth the right people can spice up any environment, any situation. Seems like the place for me.
Would you be willing/able to have a secondary supergroup costume?
Yes of course, hopefully it will fit my tech suit
How often do you play and what is your time zone?
I will be playing basically everyday of the week after I come home from work and get some spare time. Im on GMT+2 and a whole nighter, going wrecked at work the next day:D
Is this a main or alternate character?
It will be my main character, yes.
What is your Champions Online contact handle?
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
I think the best way to approach this is by simply getting together and getting to know each other better.
Characters Real Name: Pamela Easton
Race or Origin: Human (Scots)
Alias or Agent Name: Cantrip
Identity: Secret
Education Level: Dropped out of Oxford her Sophomore year (due to circumstances she'd rather not discuss )
Powers: Flight, Mystic bolts, spells and cantrips of protection
Crafting Specialization: Mysticism
Brief history or background: A descendant of Robert the Bruce and William Wallace, Pamela's grandparents and parents continued the tradition of membership in the Arcane branch of the Knights Templar. Having "magical" parents naturally meant that Pam stood more than a fair chance of inheriting some of that power, which she has. At first, she rebelled (as most teens will) against following in her parent's footsteps, but a tragic encounter with the sorceress Synn Savage left Pamela Easton the only surviving member of her family. Revenge may be a dish best served cold, but Cantrip plans to turn up the mystical heat on Synn Savage and her minions....
Would you be willing/able to have a secondary supergroup costume? : absolutely
How often do you play and what is your time zone?: Between 10-20 hours/week (as the work schedule allows ). Eastern Time Zone (USA)
Is this a main or alternate character? Main
What is your Champions Online contact handle? @terryfself
Is there anything else you would like us to know? all of our "gaming" emails go to my boyfriend's profile (thus the "terryfself" contact handle), but Kelley (that's me!) is who you'll be dealing with, should you see fit to allow Cantrip into your ranks.:)
"Smart move mentioning a boyfriend up-front, girl gamers / girl roleplayers are rare and in high demand!"
"It took me forever to find a girlfriend who's into those things!"
Oh and I suggest you make a copy of that post of yours and post it on http://www.thecouncilhq.com/phpBB3/
That is the main website and will work faster that way, trust me.
Oh and as a side note, my character is completely robotic, so when all seems hectic just get some oil cans and you can safely sit and chit chat with me, unless I have a System Failure and need to reboot
And, any particular brand of oil? Are you a Pennzoil man? Castrol, perhaps?