Immortal Sovereigns, (click for website), est. 2003What is IS?
Immortal Sovereigns is a group of friends that enjoy playing games together. We are made up of a mix of casual and serious gamers. We are first and foremost about creating an environment where friendships can grow. This means treating each other with respect and helping one another. This is an outfit based on teamwork and relationships. We have had a thriving community since 2003 so we have been involved in a log of different games. We are not based on any specific games, specific content, or even specific playstyles.
IS is a community where the casual gamer can play casually without any pressure to do any differently. It is a community where the serious gamer can also find like-minded people to team up with to tackle the harder content and push themselves further. However, make no mistake. IS is not about acquiring better gear, or running end game content, or building elite gaming skills. It is about the friendships formed in our guild and enjoying those relationships thru playing together.
Where are we going?
IS is dedicated to pursuing end-game content. We are not doing this because we are an end-game/elite gaming guild. We are doing this because most of our members want to experience this content together. We are doing this because we want to see this content and pit ourselves against it as a team. To do this requires better gear and teamwork. While it is important to build these teamwork/raiding skills, it is even more important to remember why. Failure to do so will cause the game to become more of a job than recreation.
We are going to pursue end-game content because we enjoy playing together. We are going to continue to enjoy casual gaming and even just goofing off because we enjoy playing together.
Code of Conduct
Immortal Sovereigns is first and foremost a group of friends that enjoy playing games together. As such, we have very few rules, but the ones we do are very important and need to be followed:
- Language: Keep the forums, in-game chat, and teamspeak clean. Some of our members play with their children, while others merely act like children. Let's keep the community a place all ages can enjoy.
- Respect: Respect your IS brothers. It is only a game. It can get frustrating and folks can irritate each other when that happens. Just remember we are a brotherhood and respect each other. We have all kinds of different playstyles, from hardcore to casual to just plain weird. This is a part of the richness of our community and will not change, so get used to it.