Thanks for checking out this invitation to join the Super Group Space Invaders!
Please take a moment to read whats written here, as this Champions SG is a little different from most!
This Super Group is more about teamwork and community, then the individual character concepts within it, read on and youll see exactly what I mean. We're a group of contemptuous antagonists, who are antihero in nature, with B-movie comic quality. We have interests in all manner of game elements from PvP, to PvE and RP. And are looking for fun-lovin mature people from all timezones to enjoy it with, casual and hardcore players a like.
We currently have: 18 Martian Invaders enrolled on our Invasion Portal!
The Idea:
The mysterious Super Group known by the puny earthlings as simply the Space Invaders has been tasked with cataloguing and combating the worst of Earths hazardous-inhabitants and dangerous-denizens, as part of an intergalactic report on sporting and recreational tourist attractions, for a war-like race of aliens! However, some human scare-mongers and opposition super groups believe they are a scouting party for a potential invasion, and they just might be!
The Brief:
Enlist today! Service Guarantees Citizenship!! Explore the galaxy and fight strange Aliens on distant hostile Planets!!!
From this moment you are enlisting in the Martian Task Force: Space Invaders! You have been assigned to investigate the inhospitable Planet 'Earth' with the rest of your detachment, where you will seek out the most dangerous inhabitants imaginable, and beat them into submission! You are provided with standard issue Body Armour, Breathing Apperatus, Utility Belt and Environmental Suit. Your basic military training includes whatever Super Powers you have an aptitude for, there are no restrictions. You are provided with an issue Hover Disc however, but future travel choices are unrestricted, though we do not recommend taking the bus!
As you progress in your career with the Space Invaders you will gain not only power and renown but also Rank. You could become a specialist such as Ambassador, Officer or Medic. You may even lead a squad into battle, head up a Section, or command a Platoon of your own! Rank and Renown is periodically granted and allows you to customise your uniform. You have to maintain our identity by keeping your Issue Kit intact, but there are still huge lists of options available to you like gloves, bracers, boots and leg accessories purposefully left open for advancement.
The Uniform:
In CO we have the luxury of numerous costumes, and in Space Invaders we use these as on-duty and off-duty 'Uniforms'. Your first costume is your Primary On-Duty Uniform and promotes the group identity, it can be customised as you progress in Rank and renown. A second, third, and forth costume slot(s) can then be used as a 'Specialist' role within the Group, such as Officer, Diplomat, Medic, etc. Or can be used as an 'off-duty' uniform and really whatever you choose, some example ideas are: civilian clothing, undercover Martian agent disguises, or just a personal look.
As you can see, while we do promote a themed appearance here in Space Invaders while on duty, there is still plenty of opportunity to personalise your look according to your own taste and imagination, but you must be willing to attend some events in your Primary Uniform when requested.
Here are some example Martians, and what can be achieved with the On-Duty Uniform, and various Specialist roles. Much more costume choices then shown are of course available to you::
Do you volunteer to travel to a hostile Alien planet and confront the worst it has to offer, saving a few puny Earthlings along the way?
If the answers 'YES!', then enlist at our Super Group Portal where there is much more information awaiting your arrival!
Working as a Squad of Martians together on Hover Disks, really proved the value of the uniformed 'Space Invaders' concept and we recieved much lolz, interest and friendly duels where ever we went! I really think this idea is going to snowball with all the attention we recieved. If you have any interest in this concept, I urge you to give it a go!!! most fun i've had in an MMO in years...
-we'll abduct you all, eventually, but we've currently more US timezone then EU!
Last night we celebrated the registration of the Super Team with some missions and PvP. Everywhere we go, we're having a great time, and players everywhere seem to really enjoy our theme much more then even I expected.
If you'd like to join the Invasion, beam down to our Guild Portal for more info and pictures...