So, I read the original post, LMAO.....and went to the site. After fumbling through the application process, I THINK I may have actually applied, and done it right. You guys sound like my kind of people.
Now I wait, and read more interesting and funny shtuff on your site......just because I'm mad at the game right now. How am I supposed to beat the Edom dude alone? I'm a freakin glass cannon!
Okay. . . as you guys know I have been reading the recruitment thread on my lunch breaks at work. . . but I came to this. . . and found it to be private. . . please help cure my curiosity and either gimme a link that isn't private or maybe just describe what's in it. . . *secretly hoping for more insightful towel folding tips or maybe an Alice Cooper video*
Showing as private for me too. When's that from?
The main videos I know of that I can think I'd be mentioned in are either:
-Wildcard PvP
-Therakiel's Temple (I doubt it though, longinstance is loooonnng)
-Nemcon (various, one as all petmasters)
The main videos I know of that I can think I'd be mentioned in are either:
-Wildcard PvP
-Therakiel's Temple (I doubt it though, longinstance is loooonnng)
-Nemcon (various, one as all petmasters)
Let's pretend it is another edifying tribute to the awesome power of . . . BACON
It starts somewhat like the scene from 2001: A Space Odyssey where the POV Character is in HAL9000 except the POV character is in a high tech refrigerator which is, of course, made out of bacon. . . As the music --a bacon variant of Def Leopard's "Pour Sugar on Me"-- cues we see strippers emerging like sprouting flowers from between slices of this wondrous, high-tech bacon. . . As the POV character proceeds toward the ensemble of bacon delight, the Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster descends from the heights with accompanying chorale "ahhhhh". . . With His great SACRED NOODILEGE, the GFSM fabricates bunny ears out of bacon for the bacon dancers as a Humongous Beer Volcano erupts from the depths. . . Never fear all are saflely aboard the famous pirate ship GFSM Pancetta enjoying the wonders of heaven. . .
or it could be something. . . else. . .entirely. . .
The wildcards channel is the best place in CO to learn about uber builds. We have evil genius's like Sage, Lukas and Brizel who can take any madcap roleplay concept and turn it into a top class setup.
And let's not forget Judgebot, a dude whose build is still getting fan tweaks. How can you not love a build that has people making fan offshoots of it!
Just hanging out with these cats has let me absorb good champions build ideas enough that I'm able to answer some build questions these days, too. So, yeah, yay Wildcards channel!
I threw down an app. Seems like a cool & hopefully active crew! My main (ATM) is Right Wing and my global is @Arctus. I've been playing since Beta but took a long break.
Other heroes are: Blaction Man, Porcelain, Covenant, and Arctus.
Is it just me, or is the U forum being really slow to load today? Slow enough that I'm complaining about it here 'cause I can't complain about it there. :mad:
By the next day, they were fine. I don't know what it was about the first... I was bopping all over the 'net, and the only place being slow was the U. But, as it doesn't appear to have stuck around, it could have been anything.
My wheel of IT excuses has landed on 'squirrels chewing on the wires', so that's what we'll go with.
Hello there, I'm a pervert....err..."pre-vet" looking for a SG. What kind of sick and twisted initiation do you guys demand recruits do?
Why, describing your acts of depravity, zombie apocalypse survival theories, and general bawdiness in excruciating detail is exactly what your application should be all about. Drop one by the U forums.
Man, these sales are killing me. Every time the store goes and puts stuff 20% off, I go on a spending spree. I feel like I'm playing right into their hands... but at the same time... ooh, new costume bits!
In Preparation for TOR, I am going to be logging in more often, and Bringing Erroneous Fool with me. Trying to start getting her used to MMO grouping and team play
Hope to see ya guys around in game soon.
We have a PvP group some of you may be interested in.
All members are welcome to join us.
When we have enough on we split the group in half so that we are going against ouselves.
(We also do this if we are winning too many in a row, out of good sportsmanship)
The idea is simple: We all wear the same outfit, have the same name, but powers are up to you.
In this video we were not in any danger of having to split up. We were getting our hats handed to us. LOL
So, yeah, anyway, my free time seems to have actually been spent on Star Trek more than Champions. It's still a Cryptic game, and because of the keen chat system, I can still talk with the Wildcards, but I find myself missing playing my Champs Toons.
I think that I'm probably going to make a martial artist (or two) when the new unarmed powers go live. Because what I really need is more characters that I level up to about 20th level then get distracted when something else shiney comes along.
Just recently joined these guys...super friendly and super helpful, no attitudes and great for those that like to chat on mumble. Well worth the effort to apply!
Just recently joined these guys...super friendly and super helpful, no attitudes and great for those that like to chat on mumble. Well worth the effort to apply!
Now I wait, and read more interesting and funny shtuff on your site......just because I'm mad at the game right now. How am I supposed to beat the Edom dude alone? I'm a freakin glass cannon!
Showing as private for me too. When's that from?
The main videos I know of that I can think I'd be mentioned in are either:
-Wildcard PvP
-Therakiel's Temple (I doubt it though, longinstance is loooonnng)
-Nemcon (various, one as all petmasters)
Let's pretend it is another edifying tribute to the awesome power of . . . BACON
It starts somewhat like the scene from 2001: A Space Odyssey where the POV Character is in HAL9000 except the POV character is in a high tech refrigerator which is, of course, made out of bacon. . . As the music --a bacon variant of Def Leopard's "Pour Sugar on Me"-- cues we see strippers emerging like sprouting flowers from between slices of this wondrous, high-tech bacon. . . As the POV character proceeds toward the ensemble of bacon delight, the Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster descends from the heights with accompanying chorale "ahhhhh". . . With His great SACRED NOODILEGE, the GFSM fabricates bunny ears out of bacon for the bacon dancers as a Humongous Beer Volcano erupts from the depths. . . Never fear all are saflely aboard the famous pirate ship GFSM Pancetta enjoying the wonders of heaven. . .
or it could be something. . . else. . .entirely. . .
Just hanging out with these cats has let me absorb good champions build ideas enough that I'm able to answer some build questions these days, too.
Just saying.
Nah, surely not. We all know it's a list of powers and a dartboard.*
*: The dartboard's to pick the powers he hasn't already used, made work and showed other people how to use.
Other heroes are: Blaction Man, Porcelain, Covenant, and Arctus.
My wheel of IT excuses has landed on 'squirrels chewing on the wires', so that's what we'll go with.
I sense a new character concept, a simple woodland creature infused with intelligence after chewing on beer soaked computer wires. . .
Lies. I just rolled a darkness/invun build and I'm taking names.....
Huge smoking holes you say, We how can I miss out on that! Alt time! missed me in that pic.
Why, describing your acts of depravity, zombie apocalypse survival theories, and general bawdiness in excruciating detail is exactly what your application should be all about. Drop one by the U forums.
Glad too see Wild Cards channel alive and well. Hope to get to know you all again soon.
Look for Ebon Error with his new funky look.
(Whoa! Toon looks small. Must be taken before I grew him a foot)
Hope to see ya guys around in game soon.
Are you still recruiting? Are you fairly active in PST?
If so, message me as Cerulean@Cosmic-Champion
All members are welcome to join us.
When we have enough on we split the group in half so that we are going against ouselves.
(We also do this if we are winning too many in a row, out of good sportsmanship)
The idea is simple: We all wear the same outfit, have the same name, but powers are up to you.
In this video we were not in any danger of having to split up. We were getting our hats handed to us. LOL
It may be a while before we get there....unless we power up!
My healer is itching you save all'ye'all.
Card up!
So, yeah, anyway, my free time seems to have actually been spent on Star Trek more than Champions. It's still a Cryptic game, and because of the keen chat system, I can still talk with the Wildcards, but I find myself missing playing my Champs Toons.
I think that I'm probably going to make a martial artist (or two) when the new unarmed powers go live. Because what I really need is more characters that I level up to about 20th level then get distracted when something else shiney comes along.
Get back to cleaning out the toilets, peon!
TO the top ye go.