Apex (n)
1 a : the uppermost point : vertex <the apex of a mountain> b : the narrowed or pointed end : tip <the apex of the tongue>
2 : the highest or culminating point <the apex of his career>
Apex is a Super Group for Champions Online that hosts mature members with greater than average skill. We are semi-casual players with real life responsibilities but a desire to interact with other intelligent Champions Online players. Focus will be on team building, PvP, PvE, group advancement, and overall stress free fun for members and friends of members.
We aim to be smaller than most other Super Groups, and more tight knit as a result. Applicants will have strict criteria on which they will be judged, but you won't be jerked around. If it feels like you aren't fitting in with the group, we will thank you for your time, ask you to leave, and part ways amicably.
For those who do fit in with the group, we will have a guild bank with resources, and of course the most valuable resource, your group members and friends. We encourage members to bring in friends from outside, but once again we will always remain a small group. If this sounds like something you might be interested in, do not hesitate to apply, all applications with an ounce of effort will be reviewed fairly, despite sex, race, age, or experience.
Key personality traits of members:
Open Mindedness
Common Sense
Sense of Humor
We currently have no set requirements for joining, however Ventrilo is a plus and we plan on having a Ventrilo server to make group questing easier and more efficient. You will, of course, have to make your characters on whatever server is chosen by the group, however you are free to make any type of character you desire.
Please apply through the group's website at
I will check this thread periodically but you have a much better chance of reaching me through the group site. Like I said in the description we will be smaller than most groups, with a maximum roster of 20-30 active members, plus friends and family and of course the occasional inactive members.
We are more focused on finding intelligent, good humored individuals who enjoy a mature group atmosphere (little to no RPing) and a casual environment. We won't be killing bosses first or getting the most epic achievements on the server, but what I'm aiming for is an
enjoyable grouping experience for the people involved with The Apex Group.
What's enjoyable for me? Stress-free environments. If everyone around me is doing their job and pulling their weight, and I am as well, it makes things a lot more fun and enjoyable.
If this sounds like the type of thing you might be interested in, please visit our website at
A quick background, I am currently a top 2% raider in World of Warcraft and I'm quickly getting tired of the rigorous 20 hour a week schedule filled with mostly headaches. I'm looking for other skilled gamers and smart people to casually play Champions Online with, while at the same time attempting to see as much content as possible in the game. I foresee myself playing Champions Online 10-15 hours a week, with another 5-10 hours a week dedicated to The Apex Group website.
Thanks for your time,
One fun little side note, Champions wont have "servers". Every champion made can interact with any other champion they know about, It's just a matter of meeting up in the right instance. Kind of like how Guild Wars servers work. They're all connected.
Oh wow, didn't know that. I like that idea, beats the separate server setup.
tyvm hehe
I mean bump
Our total member list has increased to 7 now, so keep those applications coming people! We're looking to have between 20 and 30 people max in the group, so spots are filling quicker than you might think.
If you think Apex sounds like it might be the place to you then, once again, just head over to our website at http://apexgroup.guildlaunch.com
Also, that sig is kinda large. Just saying.
Yeah, I noticed that too, hehe. However, I'm not really posting anywhere but our thread, so I decided to just leave it alone :P If I get complaints I can resize it. And thanks for apping!
Still 10-20 spots left, everyone! So get those applications in asap!
If accepted you will gain access to the member forums where you can meet with your fellow group members, talk about the game, or just introduce yourself. We have a gallery set up for the Open Beta screen shots we take, but no pictures yet, of course.
umm bump. But seriously if your looking for a organized group to play with. I think this is going to be the place your lookin for. I have enjoyed my stay thus far
We are very active on the sites forums
This brings our roster to 12, 13 if you count my girlfriend We're about half way to our goal for membership, so to those of you thinking about applying, don't hesitate! If you get accepted and decide it's not the place for, no worries! We understand that people and guilds are like feet and shoes, just because something LOOKS awesome, it might not fit, it could be uncomfortable or even PAINFUL! We try not to be painful, of course, but don't feel like you're tied down to the group. Better to submit your applications now and then make a decision once you've gotten a feel for The Apex Group.
Once again our website is http://apexgroup.guildlaunch.com
Thanks again,
Indeed! We sure are!
*cracks knuckles*
Up you f-king go!
Top post.
In other news we've hit 17 members!
Thanks again,
Second page? I DONT F-KING THINK SO!
Sign up guys, this guild really has a lot of potential already.
But I understand if you are signing up to a mid class guild with squeekers and nubcakes.
Those people need to be there too. Who else do we have to use as punching bags in team match pvp?
Invest in Apex! Can't go wrong here.
Exactly! Like ENRON!.... oh wait no not like enron
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