Hello fellow champions.
I am quickly writing this to inform all of you that have heard of this guild or are interested in joining you true oppurtunity to join up ! We allready have a fair amount of people but the more the merrier!
The Tainted will be a frequently active guild led by me and my friend in real life. (Code Name: Bobby_Z)
We are a friendly guild looking to help out all who are in it and have a kickass time in the middle as well

We are a darker styled theme and me and the other leader have beta access and early access. So please, if you are Teamless and are a darker player do NOT HESITITAE, and join us!

Bobby is currently working on the Logo and Guild Website.
If you have any further questions, please dont be afraid to private message me or ask questions on this board.
We are forever Tainted my brothers!
I hope you all decide to join us and become....Tainted!
We have nine members and counting right now
i just finished the logos
I think two days ago actually. And we have several members
Also goodluck with The Aesir as well.
Perhaps our guilds may forge an alliance some day. :}
Me and my brothers will see you on the plains of battle. Be it friend or foe
If that is a challenge. Accepted. : D
look at him, the game isint even out and hes making enemy's tisk tisk tisk
i think itd be cool to make an alliance between the groups, would you be up for that Captain?
What my brother said xD
Just having a little roleplaying fun
syp or me?
if him then i agree, lol
if me then....Whaa??
But considering we are a heavily PvP based guild. We will see
keep in touch
WTF im not allowed to say "p-i-s-s" on the forums??
Hey guys....welcome to Champions Online!! Good luck with your super group!! Did you say you guys are only 13??
I think two days ago actually.
And we have several members
The tainted
Ummm do i know you? and what is that link, it has nothing to do with the tainted
Pretty succesful for 13 and 14 year olds,
-App Post Withdrawn-
P.S. Loving the turnout here.
no its not, me and my friend just liked it and the site is not going to be done for another 2 weeks at least guys, sorry, iv just been pretty busy
But we are kind of a vigilante anti hero superteam but its not required that you are like that