This is the official HOST website.
It is a tad bit dusty right now, but when it becomes more active, it will be smoothly running. To check it out, click here If you have major questions, either email me ( or PM me on the OW of HOST.
This site will also make it easier for us (HOST members) to acess and veiw our members. If have already said you would like to join, then please veiw the first page of the HOST website, go to HOST registration, please do what it asks, then go to the HOSTheroes page, and leave these things:
Superhero Name
And your origin story. It's as simple as that.
Please do not write anything alse under the HOSTheroes page. If you would like to leave some of your awsome pics made in a heromaker, leave them under "custom hero pics" in the forums.
The setup is much like this site except, there are much more features. There are plenty of things to do to help your team on this site. But first, you have to join. Are you ready to come to HOST?
I am sure that most of us are in an established SG by now. For those who aren't, please check out the official H.O.S.T. (xbox 360 team) website. For those of you who are already a part of this team, please view this website. All's you have to do is read the introduction on the first page (both newbies and members of the team).
This site will also make it easier for us (HOST members) to acess and veiw our members. If have already said you would like to join, then please veiw the first page of the HOST website, go to HOST registration, please do what it asks, then go to the HOSTheroes forum, and leave these things:
Superhero Name
And your origin story. It's as simple as that.
Please do not write anything alse under the HOSTheroes forum. If you would like to leave some of your awsome pics made in a heromaker, leave them under "custom hero pics" in the forums.
The setup is much like this site except, there are much more features. There are plenty of things to do to help your team on this site. But first, you have to join.
Are you ready to come to HOST?
the official H.O.S.T. (xbox 360 team) website. For those of you who are already a part of this team, please view this website. All's you have to do is read the introduction on the first page (both newbies and members of the team).
This site will also make it easier for us (HOST members) to acess and veiw our members. If have already said you would like to join, then please veiw the first page of the HOST website, go to HOST registration, please do what it asks, then go to the HOSTheroes forum, and leave these things:
Superhero Name
And your origin story. It's as simple as that.
Please do not write anything alse under the HOSTheroes forum. If you would like to leave some of your awsome pics made in a heromaker, leave them under "custom hero pics" in the forums.
The setup is much like this site except, there are much more features. There are plenty of things to do to help your team on this site. But first, you have to join.
Are you ready to come to HOST?