preferrabling oregon area but mainly west coast will do. with work and stuff i can only play (on work days) from about 4pm-10pm. i dont want to waste my time testing out groups that i find out have requirements later. I dont want to roleplay. i just want to play the game with friends that i can talk to in something like vent without having to sound like a heroic goofball. no offense to you roleplayers out there.
I will however buy a beer to anyone that goes to a bar with me dressed as a superhero. preferrably a cape
I am totally down for a Oregon group. Hrm.... names..... I am not too particular, I do like witty but nothing that try's to spell like Orygun(freaking people around the U.S. cannot get it right)
you are invited to partake in the watching of the "arts" as we consume large amounts of alcohol. (by arts i mean "gentlemen's club") (by "gentlemen's club" i mean "a place where hot females take off their clothes and you drink a lot of overpriced drinks") (by that i mean.... NICE!)
seriously.. you in oregon? you and I now have to make our own group.. west coast something