The Enforcers
Welcome to the Enforcers thread!
We are a super group focused n teamwork-based game play. This is a super group for the casual and the hardcore gamer alike. If you are in to RP that is fine, if you are in to PvP that is fine, if you are in to PvE that is also fine. We have no specific theme like ninjas, pirates, outlaws, etc. We more like the Avengers or JLA if you are a Marvel or DC fan. Different supers joined together for the common cause of stopping villains and enforcing justice.
Even though this is an open-ended super group there
are a few requirements for joining the group. Those requirements are:
1. Willing to do frequent teamwork with other members.
2. Willing to accept new MMOers into the group. (Elitism is not cute and it only serves to discourage others.)
3. Willing to meet at least once every week in-game for a short meeting. (If this is not convenient we will just have a meeting section once a team forum is made.)
4. Willing to be able to disagree with other members without getting into verbal warfare. (If we are going to be a team then lets behave like one. There is no fault in debating and disagreeing but we dont need to beat each other over the head if we are on the same team.)
5. Willing to reserve
one costume slot for a team color based costume. (These are not similar uniforms but they are similarly
colored outfits. There only has to be one costume reserved for this and more can be made if the group wishes to do so. Right now the colors have not been agreed upon.)
Much like the Avengers or JLA I am not looking for divisions or squadrons. I would like the team limit to be around 20 people. I dont think we need divisions or squadrons to successfully manage that number of individuals. However, I do believe that some positions are needed just to make sure we have some sort of structure. Application for positions will be handled via PM to my inbox. State why you are applying for the position and why you think you will be good at the job.
Commanding Officer: Digital KnightExecutive Officer: FrontlineOperations Officer: Ecto-PusInformation Officer: FejfoxTech Officer: ThoriasPvE Officer: Street ShockerPvP Officer: OPENCommanding Officer: The responsibilities of the Commanding Officer of the team is making sure the team is on the right track progressively, ensuring that the members of the team are being fulfilled by being a part of the team, aiding in team endeavors and chiming in for final decisions about team votes and/or requests. The Commanding Officer will also be responsible for communicating with the rest of the Officer Team to make sure everyone is on the same page.
Executive Officer: The responsibilities of the Executive Officer is to handle the responsibilities of the Commanding Officer when he or she is not present and make sure they are in game enough to coordinate with the team as a whole. The EO will also have the responsibility of monitoring the team forum.
Operations Officer: The responsibilities of the Operations Officer is to support the EO in his or her responsibilities and handle team issues when both the EO and the CO are not around. The other responsibility that the Operations Officer has is to take care of any team conflicts between individuals. The Operations Officer will meditate the topic if it is brought to them and reporting the issue to the CO and EO.
Information Officer: The responsibility of the Information Officer is to make sure the team is aware of any game updates, team updates, and anything else regarding Champions Online and team game play. The Information Officer should also be able to inform new recruits of the working of the team and how to get started.
Tech Officer: The responsibility of the Tech Officer is to assist in over-seeing the boards and website for the team. They will also be responsible for making sure everything on the boards and site runs smoothly and that the members have no problem accessing information on either one.
PvE Officer: The responsibilities of the PvE Officer is to keep the team updated on any new PvE information, answer any PvE questions that beginners or any other team member might have and offer
some assistance to those who need a jump start in the PvE environment. (You dont have to hold anyones hand but helping people out is a good thing.)
PvP Officer: The responsibilities of the PvP Officer is to keep the team updated on any new PvP information, answer any PvP questions that beginners or any other team member might have and offer
some assistance to those who need a jump start in the PvP environment. (You dont have to hold anyones hand but helping people out is a good thing.)
Note: PvE and PvP Officers do
not have to be all-knowing but they should seek to know as much as they can about their respective positions.
If you wish to join this super group send a PM to TheDigitalKnight and/or post an application post here with:
Character Name:
Why your character wishes to join the Enforcers:
If you dont have name and power / framework info thats fine you can simply post that you wish to join and need some help with an idea.
For the members who are already part of the Enforcers make sure your first post has your character name, framework(s) you plan on working with, and why your character joined the Enforcers.
Digital Knight [TheDigitalKnight]
Frontline / American Knight [Wokie0]
Ecto-Pus [Ecto-Pus]
Cryosis [Alpha_Walrus]
Phoenix [zer0xide]
Street Shocker [Indians20x]
Foresight [Midevil]
Velociracer [KomodoDragon]
Zades [OrganicMoon]
Thorias [Jamesxff]
Fejfox [Fejfox]
Synapse [Psira]
Chronus V [n8thegr8]
Misfortune [BadFortune]
The Argent Avenger [yotimbob]
Nitra [VictoraFlaherty]
(Unknown) [winterwi]
Mr. Jack [DieforHope]
Precious Metal [PreciousMetal]
Here is the link to the Enforcers Forum:
The Enforcers ForumUPDATE
[ For the moment registration for the team is closed. If you are still interested send me a PM and I will place you on a reserve list. Thank you. ]
1. Developing several team banners to put into the signature area. Will post them here when done. Stay Tuned.
First: Enforcers First
Second: Enforcers Second
Third: Silver
Fourth: Gold
Fifth: Silver
Sixth: Gold
Will post more as they are made.
2. Going to take a page out of The Academy's book and make a wiki page for the Enforcers. Big ups to your page Academy I digs it!
3. In the final steps of making a team forum. It should be done by Monday but I'm hoping to finish it tonight. I dream big! UPDATE: Forum completed. Check the above post for the link!
Primary Framework: Power Armor
Secondary Framework(s): Melee / Force
Reason: After spending several months in Millennium City and seeing the level of dedication it would take to defend even a super hero heavy city, Digital Knight decides to begin to find other supers to form a super group that focuses on responding to threats worldwide. Monroe's vision for the Enforcers is for it to become one of the most effective and powerful super teams in the world, but he knows it will take incredibly hard work and focus.
Powers:munitions,blades, strenght and sheild work(if ever avialiable.)
Frontline joined the enforcers because he wants to be there for the people of the world and he feels he can best acomplish that as a member of enforcers.
Origin for this character is in my sig.
I was also fooling around with paint and made this.
came out kinda patchy. well those are my ideas.
Framework: Ice
Secondary Framework: T.B.D.
Origin: [working on it]
Reason for joining: Strong sense of camaraderie, and believes that his goals would best be accomplished in a group rather than by himself.
its in a diffrent language to begin with. just clcik the americian flag at the top to translate it into english.
I don't particularly enjoy the huge E symbol, but I don't exactly know what theme we're going for so I tried to stay open.
EDIT: Obviously the costume isn't the idea, it's just an example of how the colors would look.
You made an account just to join? I'm impressed! Simply write your character bio and wait for Digital Knight's approval.
Iconic, Wokie and Alpha said it right. You can either post your application here or you can send it to me in a PM.
We don't have to have the big 'E' on the chest. I never thought that we would have to have matching symbols just a common colors.
Here is a link to a black and gold setup that could look cool. We can also mix in a third color if you guys want to try to mix it up a bit more. I say we stick with two for now then maybe the third will be our own personal flair.
Gold and Black Example
Also have another character Americain Knight origin is in link in my sig.
I'm liking this idea but I definitely think we should wait until we have more people. Hopefully, Ecto comes around and posts his bio. Also Wokie, is American Soldier your rename for American Knight?
I'd have to say that Primary Black with Secondary Gold would be my favorite out of all of them.
It's a bit overused, granted, but it would only be overused if it was good. Plus, anything with too much gold on it hurts the eyes, y'know?
Ya i liked that idea the most too. and yes gold can be very flashy i can see all our heros walking around in bright gold spandex we would be blinding. hmmmmmm
Edit: I'm thinking of banner designs right now so I'll post some later on today.
That's why I don't like black. Since you're going Power Armor I don't see why we can't pull an Iron Man and simply go with a bright, vibrant color with a gold secondary color.
Blue, Green, Purple... they'd all work.
I'm eager for other people to join so we can see what they think.
You called?
Name: Ecto-Pus
Primary Framework(s): Supernatural
Secondary Framework(s): Telekinesis/Telepathy
Reason: After rescuing sea creatures from the toxic waste being dumped in the ocean by a nuclear power plant, James Ikeman fused with a rescued octopus that was affected by the waste. Seeking somewhere to fit in after being labeled as a freak and a threat, James joined the Enforcers under the name of Ecto-Pus.
Name: Phoenix
Framework: Fire
Secondary Framework: Martial Arts (Dual Blade)
Done and done.
I'm sure he'll be glad to hear it.
Sorry it took so long for me to post, I was trying to get the forum to accept my avi (it hates my guts for some reason)
...Hi all, I'm not usually a forum person (say not a word Walrus) so I wasn't expecting to post much...
Which is why it says Zer0xide instead of Phoenix on the username thing...
Anyways, Hiya.
That confused me and welcome to being third in command.
First: Enforcers First
Second: Enforcers Second
One is more futuristic and the other is has a more comic book feel.
Edit: Just going to use one of the banners for personal use now. Once we get an official one I'll switch. It's linked to this thread.