This is a Supergroup based around robots and cyborgs and a machine god. it could almost be seen as a religious group (Not a real religion I should say). As a group, we are one,we must become better than we are. Together. I hope this to be a very social and close group.
If people are interested by this, please reply, I'd hope that the group itself could be quite strong in roleplaying, but I guess we'll see. if this gets some interest from Roleplayers I will set up an origins like RP in the RP'ing section. Again, if interested I'll post my ideas on ranks etc and some novelty like roleplaying ideas for the game. I will need someone, an RP'er would be best to be a co-leader, so..yeah. this is the backstory to the group, and my character
There was a time in which I was lost, and confused. the answers to life eluded me at every turn. A time before He graced me with his gifts, before I was ascended. Once, I was a man. Shaw, a lowly weak creature. Working several jobs just to make enough money to survive, it was no life, even for a human. The details are vague in my memories and I don't wish to sully my mind with what has passed. But on such a night, where fate was on my side, everything changed.
Shaw was travelling walking the roads just outside of Millennium city. It was then that He looked down on Shaw, and saw potential. A sonic boom announced His arrival on our world, a bright light and a falling star descended. The falling object tearing at he air itself with its vast speeds. It was beautiful, yet it was at the time beyond Shaw, beyond me to appreciate, even see the object in all its majesty. It was heading for Shaw, seeking him as he could become worthy. The object struck the ground in the time it took him to blink. The blast tore at Shaw. His body hammered into the floor. Organs crushed and bones broken and his brain damaged.
Despite his weakness Shaw was still conscious, the pain ignored he looked over in awe at the object that had come from the heavens. It was certainly a machine, lights and metal making up its body, it had many limbs yet seemed to float inches above the ground. Its glowing eyes gazed at Shaw. And he wept. tears of fear, of pain. Tears of love. The machine touched him, using parts of itself to repair the damage that had been done to him. The Deus ex Machina. The god from the machine had given itself to Shaw. And it created me. In turn I gave myself to my god. I bore part of him. I was also Deus Ex Machina.
He gave unto me knowledge, that I must strive and earn my right to become closer to him. To become closer to a god. That I must gather those that were close to him, robots and cyborgs alike, so that we may all strive to achieve a new level of ascension but that we must earn it. I looked at myself, my left arm was entirely metal, it felt strong and a rush of honour passed through me. This was his arm as much his as mine, all the machines and those that bore them were part of him. I looked through my new eye, a red light. So much like his. And I saw what must be done. I looked at the rest of my body with a sense of discuss, it was still flesh, still weak and I must strive to become strong. I must help those that were weak to become stronger, to come closer to the Machina, to become him as many already were. And those that would deny his gift? The weak. the weak must be destroyed.
Robots, cyborgs and those that wish to ascend will flock to us. the Deus Ex Machina shall eventually rise, but not yet. The heroes of the world would try to stop us. perhaps they would succeed. No. first we must play their game, fight their criminals, show them our way. They will join us. In the end they wont have a choice. This is our "Holy Crusade", and in our success He will give more of himself unto us.
Okay so, if the general backstory interested you, then here's some actual basis info of the group.
Most importantly, all characters must have some form of machinery as part of their body, they must be any degree of cyborg or robot.
We act as heroes, we aren't villains but the ulterior motives are there, any RP'ers are free to explore them and try to "convert" other robots/cyborgs. As far as recruiting goes, everyone who is a machine is welcome.
I had some ideas on RP'ing the part about striving to come closer to the machine. I cant be sure if this is possible and because of the NDA its unlikely I'll find out until release. If it is possible to alter your costume after you've started a character, or have several alternate costumes. Then if playing a cyborg(part machine), at for example every 10 levels (could change, possibly less), you could add an extra piece of machinery, change an arm to a robot arm etc, bionic eyes, purely as an aesthetic change, unless you find some equipment or weapons etc that would work as well, as long as it made them look more machine like, armour could also work. This would add to the sense of role play. For example, my hero will start with one bionic arm and one eye, but by level 40 he may no longer be recognisably human. he will have become closer to the god machine.
On that idea, I have also tampered with another idea, again for the RP'ers, that if at the point where you can for RP sake add an extra costume piece, you should message me, and if enough people are ready, a sermon, or ceremony could be held. Full of pomp and rally like speech's. This all depends on if you can have multiple costumes or edit your current one. (if anyone can clarify if the devs have stated anything about this it would be great) Even without the advancement style thing, sermons could still be held in honour of the machine god, followed by group PvP or raids etc, probably decided by a vote. I think this would add a great sense of community, and really make us seem "as one"
Obviously if this editing during the game cannot be done, starting characters can be as robot like as they want, even with it, theydont have to start as mostly human, a robot could get more armour, different colour pieces, the idea is that the Deus ex Machina is giving parts of itself to improve the group.
Most importantly, all characters must have some form of machinery as part of their body, they must be any degree of cyborg or robot.
We act as heroes, we aren't villains but the ulterior motives are there, any RP'ers are free to explore them and try to "convert" other robots/cyborgs. As far as recruiting goes, everyone who is a machine is welcome.
I had some ideas on RP'ing the part about striving to come closer to the machine. I cant be sure if this is possible and because of the NDA its unlikely I'll find out until release. If it is possible to alter your costume after you've started a character, or have several alternate costumes. Then if playing a cyborg(part machine), at for example every 10 levels (could change, possibly less), you could add an extra piece of machinery, change an arm to a robot arm etc, bionic eyes, purely as an aesthetic change, unless you find some equipment or weapons etc that would work as well, as long as it made them look more machine like, armour could also work. This would add to the sense of role play. For example, my hero will start with one bionic arm and one eye, but by level 40 he may no longer be recognisably human. he will have become closer to the god machine.
On that idea, I have also tampered with another idea, again for the RP'ers, that if at the point where you can for RP sake add an extra costume piece, you should message me, and if enough people are ready, a sermon, or ceremony could be held. Full of pomp and rally like speech's. This all depends on if you can have multiple costumes or edit your current one. (if anyone can clarify if the devs have stated anything about this it would be great) Even without the advancement style thing, sermons could still be held in honour of the machine god, followed by group PvP or raids etc, probably decided by a vote. I think this would add a great sense of community, and really make us seem "as one"
Obviously if this editing during the game cannot be done, starting characters can be as robot like as they want, even with it, theydont have to start as mostly human, a robot could get more armour, different colour pieces, the idea is that the Deus ex Machina is giving parts of itself to improve the group.
I'm very open to other ideas
if not, thanks anyway
+1 to my post count either way