Super Team Name: The MACH 5:cool: (Master of Aerial Combat Heroes, superteam with a knack for speed)
Super Team Contacts: LEADER: <Crimson.Conchord> <.Captain.Awesome.> <Jecht> <Neon.Shuttle> <Red.Rockette> <.Black.Bomber.>
All contactable through this email adress - Age Limit: NO (all are welcome, aslong as they take some pride and effort)Online Voice Client: Yes, Private Channel in VentrilloRole Playing:
Yes - LightPVP: Yes - Aswell as raiding and other fun activites for the whole groupServer: Unknown:confused:Custom Web Site: Yes - - just a shitty little one i made in a couple of minutes. If this group is accepted i will devote my time to making a far better one
Special Notes or Super Team Mission Statement: Truth and Justice Never Looked So Good.
Here at the Mach 5, we thrive on playing mmo's. From World of Warcraft to Ragnarok online.
It would be an honour to be apart of the Beta team.
If anyone would like to come aboard and put their name down for this WORLD WIDE super team, please feel free to. This Super Team is currently based in Australia, so i'm sorry if i don't reply to your emails immediatley due to the time differences