S.N.I.P.E.R is a secret government agency that deals with all sorts of abnormals from metahumans down to demons. The name stands for Suprnatural Investigation Police Enforcement Regime. Their job is to capture and study abnormals in order to protect the US from such threats. They are also here to help those supernatural creatures who want to be redeemed. They are here to protect all dimensions and planets after the evens of the fusion of worlds. The MC branch of S.N.I.P.E.R is run by the Immortal Caleb and his father Gideon Cross a super natural hero known as the Dark Savior, an immortal holy warrior. The organization was started to give those who wanted to redeem themselves a place to live and fight for the side of good. It has now expaded to allow all heroes to join in a covenant to protect all the known universe and worlds. Their base is located in a flying city/spacestation in space.
The sg is like a grittier darker version of S.H.I.E.L.D or lke the agency in Hellboy. It doesn't matter what your race or creed is because all are welcome in the supergroup, no matter what type of hero or creature you are. All heroes are concidered equal regardless of where they came from.We battle other meta humans, as well as aliens and the supernatural. No matter what the threat is, We will be there. Think of us as The Goverent's lat line of defence against abnormals. We will have heavy rping for those of you who like to rp and we will also be light hearted for those that are not into rping. we will even be participating in pvp for those interested in that type of thing. If anyoe is interested post here. or send me a pm. We have a fully function forum so you can also sign in there.
Yup being that the comic i'm publishing has to do with supernatural stuff and that is one of the factions in the comic, that is basically what t is.
Before his awakening, Jericho was a normal Agent for S.N.I.P.E.R. Most of his life was normal till the visions came. Well as normal as you could get for someone in their ranks. The first vision came when he was asleep. He saw a house that was being burned down an hour after he had the vision he saw firetrucks rushing to a fire near his dorm. He then had more visions. He saw the 911 attacks before it happened. He saw the war in iraq that followed. but none of this would prepare him for what was coming next. The final vision he had before his awakening was on a mission. He saw his death at the hands of a vampire. He was actually a psychic and a tracker for S.N.I.P.E.R. He would use his abilities to find out where the creatures have been with his ability to see into the past and knew when they would strike next with his ability to see into the future.
All these skills he would use to help them against the supernatural forces of evil. It was on one such mission where he had lost his life and was ressurected as an immortal. Jericho was tracking down a serial killer who was also a vampire. Little did he and is team know that it was a trap due to the vampire using his own abilities to turn Jericho's psychic abilities against him. That night he couldn't see clearly. Something was wrong. They followed the vampire into an abandoned warehouse. Jericho and his team didn't know what hit them as the creature began picking them off one by one. Soon Jericho was the only one left as his team was murdered. Due to his mind being clouded, he couldn't see the attack coming till it was too late when the vampire beat him to a pulp and ripped his throat out. Last thing he said before the end was Im dead. As he lay their a bright light came over him. He saw himself going into a tunnel towards a light. That is when he heard a voice telling him to arise.
He was then ressurected. When he went to look where the voice was coming from he looked up at a bright light. His hair had then turned white when he realised he was staring at the face of God. He noticed that his bones began to heal and the wounds in his body began to close. He couldn't explain but he knew he was given a second chance. While staring at the light it all became clear to him he was now more than he ever was. He saw the vampire cowaring from the holy light. He also noticed that his abilities had been increased as he was now able to do things he couldn't in the past. He was supposed to guide the chosen immortal warrior known as Gideon. He walked out of the warehouse and disappeared up until he discovered Gideon's location. As time passed he discovered he had other psionic abilities and was able to summon a psychic blade.
As time passed he noticed he had gained other abilities such as being able to shoot energy from his hands. He also discovered the ability to shapeshift into any person or animal he wanted, as well as the ability to manipulate probability. He could even assume the forms of the creatures he hunted. With his older abilities increased and his new found abilities, he became the perfect hunter for S.N.I.P.E.R. and the first immortal among them. With his gift to see the future as well as his other abilities he became a force to be reckoned with. Able to predict his opponents attacks and fend them off with his psyblade or telekenetic abilities making him one of the deadliest of the immortals. The future is now So sayeth Jericho the Prophet.
The immortal hero now known as Gideon was once known as Rick "Ricochet" Benitez. Once he was a vigilante. He took the law into his own hands shortly after the death of his best friend. He had found out who was responsible, a drug lord Marco Ramirez, who was also a powerful vampire known as Stone Cold to the underworld. Gideon was killed by Stone Cold in his quest for revenge. He found himself in hell because of his selfish reason to murder all those out of his own personal vendetta. There he saw a vision of Christ who told him it was time to begin a new life. He freed him from his bonds of hell with a sword made of his own essence. Christ gave him the sword, which was the sword of the spirit called 'Nazarene'. He then returned him to the world with a new life and a new purpose. When he returned to his body in the hospital (Which on life support) the power of the sword and the return of his spirit was so great, that it caused all the life support machines to explode. This caused his body to be incinerated and as a result, his body was reformed. He was no longer Rick Benitez, he now has become Gideon the dark savior. He can not kill like a reckless vigilante no more, but now it is time for him to hunt the creatures of the night. The very creatures that were truly responsible for the death of his friend and himself. The hunters have now become....... the hunted.
The mysterious Hero known as Night Cross came from a future where vampires ruled the world. This Dark future came to be after the disappearence of the immortal Hero Gideon and the imprisonment of the chosen when there souls were trapped in the heart of Lilith an ancient artifact that captured souls. The Vampire responsible was none other than Damien Bloodmoon. Stonecold's sire. All who stood against him fell including the vampire Drug lord Stonecold and his daughter Maria De La Sombra. Daemon Darkthorn took Gideon and Marias son (Whom was brought there from the past as a baby after he rescued him) and raised him to be one of the greatest warriors ever.
With the skill to rival his Father Gideon and equipped with Darkthorn's and his mother Maria's Katanas as well as Stonecold's Dual Pistols, he was dubbed the Night Cross. and continued his father's legacy. The time came when Caleb had to travel to the past in search of his father. A battle broke out in Ramirez tower when Bloodmoon and his Blood Reavers tried to intercept Caleb Night Cross. His uncles Bladegunner and Rampage came, with the rest of S.N.I.P.E.R along with Crucifix and some of the members of the Clerics of Zion to turn the tied of battle in favor of Daemon and the rest of Stone Cold's men.
Bloodmoon then intercepted Celeb before he could jump in the portal and threatened to kill him when all of a sudden a voice resonated through out the tower. Gideon had reappeared along with Stone Cold who was thought dead. Both the Vampire prince and Holy warrior struck Bloodmoon forcing him to let go of Caleb. the last words he heard was Go my son, prevent this from ever happening. he then jumped in the portal and appeared in modern day New York City, Since he has appeared in in the present 2 years ago he has been battling evil with His Father Gideon. He has been learning how to use his dormant powers and becoming more powerful than ever.
The prophecy is coming to pass as he learns more about his powers. The prophecy mentioned that The Chosen would be born into darkness and embraced by the light and that he would bring darknes and light together. Gideons rebirth as the Chosen was the first part of the prophecy coming to fruition. Siring Caleb was the second as he brought darkness and light together in his union with the dumpeal Maria de la Sombra, Daughter of The Vampire Prince Stonecold Marco Ramirez. Trained in martial arts and armed with powers and gadgets to aid him in his war against evil the young warrior has truly proven to be a force to be reckoned with. He is considered to be an Omega class abnormal. One of the strongest around. Only time will tell if the prophecy is correct as the son of the Chosen, The Dark Savior known as Gideon proves himself. With each battle. The end time is now.
After the experiment The Goverment Agency known as the Supernatural infiltration police enforcement Regime or S.N.I.P.E.R asked them to join. Night Talon gladly excepted but Rampage turned them down. Night Talon began doing missions where he would either have to capture or kill supernatural creatures for the secret organization. It was on one of these Missions where he met The Dark Savior GIdeon An immortal hunter and Holy warrior Who appeared on the scene and killed many of these creatures. The two men became close friends. Gideon then trained Night Taloin using melee weapons. Being the martial artist that he was He then added the katana to his arsenal making him even deadlier. As the years passed And Gideon started dating Night Talon's sister, they grew even closer, making them the best of friends. Night Talon is now one of Gideon's contacts and provides him with leads. The agent has done very well in his job that he has been called The Night Hunter among other names.
Cecil Cain aka Brick Novocain was sentenced death on November 11, 2002. There were no complaints, protests, of picket lines outside of the courthouse on the day he was sentenced nor did he expect there to be. He is a black metahuman or an African American mutant depending on which governmental agency threat file you are reading. He was a part of a New Orleans, Louisiana based crime syndicate known as the Crimson Saints headed by a super villain known as Victor Voodoo.
During a botched artifact heist, in an act of sheer ruthlessness, Voodoo set an orphanage on fire to divert the attention of law enforcement and allow for his escape. Although Cecil was safely aboard Voodoos modified helicopter, he couldnt watch the orphanage burn, especially since he had been an orphan himself. He leaped out of the helicopter amidst a hailstorm of bullets being firing from Voodoos helicopter. Although hit several times, Cecils super human strength and resilience allowed him to carry on. He was able to rescue 60 orphans before passing out on the front steps of the orphanage due to smoke inhalation. He was taken into custody and by the time the fire was put out and rubble was searched 21 orphans, 4 orphanage staff members and 1 firefighter perished. Since he was the only criminal that took part in the heist to prosecute, Cecil became the face of New Orleanss criminal population. The fact that Cecil rescued 60 orphans was conveniently forgotten or simply not reported. Even when the orphans themselves contacted reporters to tell of Cecils heroics, they were ignored or brushed off. He plead guilty for his involvement in the artifact heist, but plead innocent to murder. The DA attempted to give Cecil a lighter sentence if he divulge any information he could concerning Victor Voodoo, but Voodoo had already contacted Cecil with a short letter, that included a picture of Voodoo sitting on Cecils mothers front porch. Cecil refused the deal, the trial was swift and he was found guilty on all charges.
Cecil was serving his time at Bear Island, an alpha risk maximum security detention center specializing in the confinement of metahumans, mutants, mystics, and super naturals, located on Kodiak Island, Alaska when he was called into the Wardens office. The warden told Cecil about the S. N. I. P. E. R. program and since the knowledge of him rescuing the orphans was included in his criminal file his name came up in the computers as a potential candidate for the program. Cecil instantly accepted, seeing this as a way to get out of prison not really intending to become part of the program. During his prescreening for the program, he came with the name Brick Novocain after he was told that Cecil Cain would for all intense and purposes would still be sentenced to death and would cease to exist. On June 12, 2007 Brick Novocain was released from Bear Island and into the custody of S. N. I. P. E. R. Agent Night Talon.
After his first few escape attempts were thwarted by S. N. I. P. E. R. agents, he realized that things werent going to go as he initially planned. Caleb and Night Talon questioned his sincerity and threatened to have him sent back to Bear Island where his death would be imminent. Realizing that S. N. I. P. E. R.s patience with him was growing short Brick realized he was at a crossroads. With death being his only other choice, Brick is forced to look within himself, to seek out and become the hero that is buried deep within.
DOB: October 7, 1982
Height: 65
Weight: varies 255 lbs - 1250 (highest recorded weight)
S. N. I. P. E. R. Info: Super human strength, Very heavy bone structure, would likely weigh around 255 lbs, much heavier because of this. Minor regeneration abilities. Hand to Hand combat specialist, weapons specialist. Ability to make skin texture change to matter or elements that he is in contact with, and allowing his skin to maintain some of the matters defensive traits.
Yeah sure you can join just sign up i the sniper thread yeah i discussed the future of the website with blackstar He wanted me to change due to the glitches, but the good news is blackstar and morning wwr discussing something about a hub for multiple sgs. I still dunno how it works but he'll let us know when he finds out more. For the meanwhile the site will stay up
Thanks here is another.
Bane is the Son of Stonecold Marco Ramirez and Sarah Mcbane a mutant telepath. One Fateful night a pregnant Sarah Mcbane was left on Stonecold's estate as Stonecold went to investigate some howls. Sarah was attacked by a werewolf, in return she bacame a werewolf Mutant hybrid and her unborn son that was already half vampire got infected with the virus and became half werewolf as well, becoming an abomination. That Night her brother Angel then a Cleric of Zion took her to the sacred city Zion away from Stonecold. As time passed by, the baby was born and grew. Sara in time fell in love with one of the Clerics of Zion and married him. Knowing what his nephew was, Angel trained Bane to become a Cleric of Zion. With different mixture of abnormal race, he aquired some abilities far greater from his parents.
From his mother he gained certain telepathic abilities such as telepathy, and telekenesis. From his father he gained evolved vampiric abilities such as leaching abilities known as power absorbtion and life siphoning abilities. With these abilities, he can absorb a persons powers and abilities and then mimic them. He also has the ability to siphon a person's life force. He can also use the leching abiities in conjunction with his shapeshifting. His last ability he has is energy absorbtion. He can absorb any energy and project it back as the same energy or a totally different kind of energy. these abilities have made him a very formidable opponent and threat to anyone that stands in his way.
Recently Bane found out he had a sister through his friend Gideon Gideon had told him the story that Maria had told him and set up a meeting between the two siblings. Maria was excited to know she had a third brother and that he was a member of the clerics of Zion. Bane offered her a place at his side with the clerics of Zion and she happily excepted. She then convinced Bane to let go of his anger towards their father Stonecold Marco Ramirez.
He was first involved with S.N.I.P.E.R. when they were hunting an long running enemy of his. He was however mistaken as a creature of evil himself because of his appearence. He had green skin and intense muscle. He also ***** a trench coat and ragged shorts, slung across his back were his favorite dual shotguns. He also had horns comming out of his head and was mistaken as the enemy. After a brutal fight which nearly ended in his death he gathered a green fireball which gave off heat close to 100,000 degres. After stoping the fight he explained his situation and offered to join them.
Hey went on several missions with the team before he told them his origin.
His father was one of the most evil demons there were untill he was destroyed by his son. His mother was a shapeshifter who also had the abillity of haveing a special sense. She could leave her body in a sense and look around with out anyone ever detecting her unless it was another of her kind. He inhareted both of these abillites. The ablilliteis combined within him and he gained some special ones of his own. The only downside between having parents of two diffrent species was that his skin turned a shade of green.
(Will have more in the future. If willing to suggest a name anything will be considered.)
Thank You
Noir Croix
lol I forgot about him lol well Shroudfire or shadespawn
I dunno but from what blackstar told me Blind want's to play with his euro friends and ru the euro part of EJ. it's the reason why I am planning on dropping out andusin Manny for this since it is theagency he works for. it's also the reason why I changd him a bit and gave him some powers.
apology accepted Noir and I would love to have you in the sg. Just come up with a character and post it here when you're ready.
Nope that's not me. Oh well. I am brining Paul over I still have no clue about my other characters though. OH WELL.
I dunno but if the lack of posting is any indcation then most likely.
Paul graduted from College with a engeneers degree. He was however not satisfied by his job and decided he would join the force. He was the best ne recruit and he became very skilled in hand to hand combat and marksman ship. Also because of his engeneers degre he quickly invented wepons and devices for the Police.
He was one of NYPD's best cops untill he made one mistake and went a little to far. When a murder was blammed on him he was fired from the force. He took to fighting crime on his own since he had connections all over the city. He also did not trust most people on the force and has sensors and cameras all over the city.
He met Manny and fought alongside him a couple of times and when Manny brought up his job Paul quickly offered to join help stop the creatures roaming the streets. He is very close with Spawn and relitively close to Manny. So far he has not done much to prove himself to the team but is willing to do what it takes.
He is also a inventor on the team and provides his teamates with whatever equipment he can build up.
convo between me and clu
it'll so much easier if all u guys ended up in the same SG, because it's inevitable that when the game gets rollling I will probably only do heavy rp in one place. Hopefully the coaliation system will be very tight knit, so that our storylines will interwine. I like what you guys have done on the RP thread.. I'm going to start working on my back story for Vigilance now. Good stuff all the way around, I just would like it much better if Gideon joined back here since this has already been established and maybe the S. N. I. P. E. R.'s program can be a division within Vigliance...sort of a spin off.
Ok what we can do is combine is combine the groups and it cn be lie one big group with differn factions. like other big supergroups that have different units that specialise in different things. If you guys are cool doing something like that. I will discuss it with our friend blackstar that is also a part of ej. One faction will be Vigilence. one will be sniper and one will be extreme justice. the only thing is i will have to come up with a main group name.. The conecton with Vigilance and sniper is already there since the vigilence base was originally a sniper base then modified into vahallah
How many guilds do you actually run? Seems like you can't make up which guild you want to run. With a guild leader making up multiple guilds, it seems like a flaky leader and will just leave all his members at a drop of a hat.
Please don't take any offense. I just wanted to let you know how an outsider feels when he reads these posts. I do wish you all the best of luck.
No offence taken, no worries. This is the only guild i'm sticking with. I made this guild for a few friends that have similar concepts that will be playing te game. I left the vigilance guild because of some problems and also because I was playing with a good friend from another guild. I joined the guild my friend was in and planned to stay till he told me that the future of the guild wasn't to bright since the leader was planning on leaving to play with his euro friends. That is why I decidd to move on my own.
so now you left vigilance and joined SNIPER? good thing you didnt have me join vigilance then.... i dont get the idea of you guys running 3 guilds when it seems one cant even be held together, im still interested in joining you guys, but i think you need to sort some stuff out first like if you are going to use ventrillo, getting a clan forum helps a great deal instead of posting on this one topic
i dont see why you guys have to be so closely affiliated though and not just join as one to make things less confusing