On the behalf of The Coalition I King Murakumo encourage any gamers that look 4ward 2 being apart of our team to change their gamertag to ______ Murakumo (fill in the blank) Murakumo is japanese for the gathering of clouds. The reason y we have chosen this name is becase the clouds could either be stormy clouds, rainy clouds, or thunder clouds on any given day. So there's no telling when a storm will roll over the top of our enemies heads. We're the best known for our strengths in games such as Gears of War 2, Guitar Hero and many more games we play fewer than those 2. We eagerly await the arrival of Champions Online and not a day goes by where it's not the topic. As of late we have begun the recruiting process. If you want 2 b apart of our clan for strictly Gears of War we'll hold tryouts 4 u by contacting either the gamertag King Murakumo BulletSpartan murakumo 69 which will b changing 2 Gothic Murakumo shortly and sKiTtLeS963. Same goes for Guitar Hero. We're looking for future clan members who want 2 b apart of a group bigger than just ONE game. We want 2 revolutionize the name Murakumo and have fun while doing so. Of course u must b good at what u do when u apply yourself 2 our team. We acknowledge that everyone has their good and bad days so 1 single individual is offered the chance many times according 2 the team vote. You must b socially accepted by us, and u must b willing 2 go with the grain rather than against it. For example on Guitar Hero we have all made MARVEL super heroes 2 rock out with. That 1 simple thing can get u removed.. It's 1 thing 2 b a Murakumo, anyone can be but n order 2 recieve invites 2 events reguarding our existance simple things r required. Your skill as a player, such as what strength do u bring 2 the table? Your abillity 2 have fun and laugh while importing a sense of strength 2 us. Once more, your will 2 follow us. We don't expect much of our teamates. There r no rules. Win with any means. As 4 Champions Online We're reviewing people's ideas 4 costumes and powers. We're looking for very crafty style, and traits we already don't possess. With all of that being said get in touch with 1 of the gamertags listed above 2 begin the fun gaming experience. As xbox's logo would say "Jump In!" ^_^