Hi Guys,
We are the supergroup formally known as Knight Walkers/Retribution from CoX been one of the longest running SG's from CoX as some of the players have been there for 5 years + we are moving to champions online. We may have lost touch with some of the players during the course of the years and maybe hoping to catch up them here. So if you know us or know of us and you fancy joining a mature and adventurous with a casual/dedicated although not too serious SG please feel free to get in touch with me.
Good to be here looking forward to launch. we will look to maybe change name of the SG/Guild come launch to a maybe more champion orientated name!
nah, keep it the same. All the nimmers will find our way here
Need to get hold of the fusion.
Well i guess that rules you out aswell KS
I putting us a forum together as we speak using guild portal, wether we use it or not, its there if we need it. We can drop a post on the forums for any of the games our 'lost ones' might frequent and then they can be directed to the site to get back in touch.
Ive built a few of these sites for guilds over the years and they are really easy to maintain and change so we can have whatever we want. I just find it an easy way to keep in touch with people across various games.
This the link to our new and work in progress site.