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Lookin for a SG

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
Hi im lookin for a SG i played CoH for years an many other MMOs but im jumpin to this i plan on playing and or makeing a healing type hero so get back to me whan you can ty

I Betahttp: Tested your Girlfriend
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Well seeing how no ones talking i tell you more about my self.... Hi my name is Check ,your you can call me JJ i like long walks on the beach and night caps..... I been playing MMOs for the last 7 years i can say it started with Motor City Online and than i moved to the best MMO i played SWG or Star Wars Galaxies.. before it went to hell... I was all ways in to healing class's , it seems theres all ways a team in need of a healer so thats what i mainy play my first time on all games.

    Well than SWG went down hill i stoped playing MMOs for a year or so than i got in to CoH i came in the the game I2 and it was fun not like SWG but i was fun. I stayed in COH in till I7 and i was off and on with it for the next few years.

    I started to play WoW.. yes..yes i no i no "world of warcrack " it was fun for a bit ...than it just became a job raid was great and new to me but in the end it comes down to..Work or raid... Sleep or raid... Go out with Ppl or... you guessed it RAID, so i got Guild wars made a healer had fun but it got boreing so i came back to CoH. than Tabula Rasa came out fun game but bugy as hell.

    So i ended up back in CoH and been playing for the last 2 years theres someing about playing as a superhero that gets ppl like me come back to games like that.

    Than i hear and see of this "CHAMPIONS ONLINE!" and at first i just seemed like CoH but with new city and new heros.But seeing more and more i deicided the next game i was goin to come to was CO. So hear i am lookin for new ppl to join in on my new gameing Experience. I hope to hear from one of you guys soon and if not ill see you on line take care

    I Beta Tested your Girlfriend
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