I have been playing MMOs and all kinds of game genres for a really long time. I want to say that I consider myself a hardcore gamer no matter what genre the game is. My recent MMOs I was a part of were World of Warcraft and Ultima Online.
In World of Warcraft I was a GM of the #1 Alliance guild on our server. Even though PvE was our main objective I love PvP so I pushed a lot of our members to join the PvP action and soon after I lead a lot of players to high rated PvP status and not only have we became the top PvE guild we also became a very strong PvP guild as well.
In Ultima Online I was part of a small PvP guild which showed a lot of skill and teamwork. Even though the game is old as hell the game play is still fun if you find the right server that suits your needs.
I am looking for a group of individuals that consider themselves skilled gamers. I want to create a
guild/clan/league for the upcoming Champions Online which hopefully will shines in the community as an elite group. Now most of us have not played this game yet but if you are a gamer at heart you know all it takes is little bit of learning the concepts and the urge of becoming the best. I'm defiantly looking for members that are mature and not complete idiots, last thing I want to hear is a kid QQing about stuff in vent and what not.
Anyways I feel like this game will be a cool new experience and what better way of enjoying this than with group of cool people to grind and chill in vent with. I'm sure most of us will find each other in games and find their friends and what not but I figure I'll start the search early.
I'm not looking for someone that will play 24/7 just smart players that want to succeed. If your interested just leave your info in this format:
Hero name (If you know it already) :
Do you have ventrilo:
MMOs you have played (explain a bit about your experience):
Strongest Genre:
Weakest Genre:
Why you want to join the group:
What do you expect from this group:
Your favorite feature about CO so far:
MISC (Anything else you want to add about yourself):