Hi, I'm CryoZone 2, and I have an idea for a adventure pack, or a new game location. Now, truth be told, this idea was from my written book, The Blue Liberamando in Operation Eagledephia Freedom. It was copyrighted BEFORE I put my characters in the game from my book. Picture this, A war-zone outside of the city named Eagledelphia were the Corruptineer Army who is lead by Red Corruptineer, (who's real name is Chex Graves); who betrayed the U.S. for Corruptinia after the Corruptinia Experiment that killed Blue Liberamando's wife leads his army to try to take over the Eagledellphia and the U.S.A. The Mission Contact, Blue Liberamando, (who's real name is Michael Wheeler); instructs you on what missions are available and ultimately it is up to you the player to save the new military army called P.A.T.R.I.O.T.'s soldiers from becoming Corrupineer soldiers and free the Eagledelphia Protesters and the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. soldiers from Corruptineer P.O.W. Camps and fight Red Corruptineer while Blue Liberamando tries to dismantle the controls for the Corrutineer Military Satellite, and save the U.S.A. from the Corruption of the Corruptineer Army. What do you guys think?