Added Great Demon Wings and Cursed Horns as possible drops from Halloween Treat Bags.
Added a new Trick-or-Treater type.
Zombie Apocalypse
Added 5 minute countdown while waiting for players before the match starts. This countdown is removed once all queued players are present.
Heroes can now only exit the cabin once all queued players are present on the map.
The match can no longer start if there are less than 3 player heroes or no player zombies present on the map. If more than 5 minutes elapse without enough players being present, the match will end.
The match will now also end if 10 minutes have elapsed and there are still heroes protecting the cabin. This counts as a win for the player heroes.
Fixed an issue where players could join the match after it ended.
All NPC zombies are now Tough difficulty.
Fixed an issue where win credit was not properly given out. This had no effect on rewards, but did affect any win related perks.
Added new perks for winning Zombie Apocalypse.
Added Ghost material weapon auras.
Added pumpkin Bomb vehicle weapon. This weapon can only be purchased while the Bloodmoon event is active.
Cursed Horns do not appear in tailor after unlock and cannot be found via search function. Issue persists despite an elapsed 30 minutes and a re-log.
Bug - Corrupted Tights & Armor Unlocking
Corrupted Tights & Armor are not unlocked, but the Turakian Premium & Moonlight Coins are not available for purchase via Drifter Salvage as if the costumes were unlocked. See spoiler below for image reference.
Bug - Bloodmoon Event Mod Store
The Spell of Takofanes sorcery set +Damage mod is present, but the Threat Modifier mods for Magic-typed damage, Sleight of Hand and Magnificent Display are not.
Cursed Horns do not appear in tailor after unlock and cannot be found via search function. Issue persists despite an elapsed 30 minutes and a re-log.
Corrupted Tights & Armor are not unlocked, but the Turakian Premium & Moonlight Coins are not available for purchase via Drifter Salvage as if the costumes were unlocked. See spoiler below for image reference.
Bug - Bloodmoon Event Mod Store
The Spell of Takofanes sorcery set +Damage mod is present, but the Threat Modifier mods for Magic-typed damage, Sleight of Hand and Magnificent Display are not.