- Added Timewarp auras as a possible drop to the Attend the Celebration alert.
- Added Modern Dr. Destroyer Greaves and Bracers costumes to the event store.
- The Weekly store features Foxbatcon items!
ZEN Store
- For the next week, you can claim a free costume slot from the bonus tab.
- For the next week, you can claim the Prismatic Detonation ultimate power from the bonus tab.
- Known issue: If you claim the costume item first, the power will appear to not be able to be claimed. This is just a visual error and you have unlocked access to the power.
The Gumshoe Keypack will be available for the next week.
- Cost: 900 ZEN
- 10x Cosmic Keys of Power
- 1x Detective Coat Costume
Tailor Week
- For the next week, costume changes in the tailor have no cost.
Open MissionsDestroids Rise Again
- Added Pulp Fiction Rifle power variant device as a possible drop.
CosmicsQwygibo/Kigatilik/Kigatilik Hounds
- Minor change to charge powers to ensure no movement during charge and activation period.
- Around the World - Added fixer item for title.
Loading Screens
- New Kigatilik loading screen for Canada.
- New Teleiosaurus loading screen for Monster Island.
- New Mechanon loading screen for Millennium city.
- Added Clean pattern options for the Gladiator Mace and Sword costumes.
PowersPrismatic Detonation
- Ultimate Energy Projector Power
- 100ft Range, 25ft area effect
- The damage type of this power changes based on your last used direct damage power. If no power was used within the last 10 seconds, chooses a random damage type.
- If you used a direct heal, this power instead heals allies.
- Confuses affected targets. Deals increased damage instead against immune targets.
- Applies Overpower to affected targets.
- This power has a fixed coloration and cannot be hue shifted.
DevicesPulp Fiction Ray Gun
- Increased Plasma Burn chance by 5%.
Pulp Fiction Rifle
When used within 90ft of the target:
- Scales with Assault Rifle.
- 90ft single target (known issue: current range is 80ft).
- Deals continuous particle damage.
- Tapping this power deals higher burst damage.
- Chance to apply Plasma Burn.
- Base damage is increased if you are affected by Unified Theory of Molecular Self Assembly.
When used beyond 90ft:
- Scales with Sniper Rifle.
- 120ft single target
- Charge power.
- Interrupted when taking damage.
- Consumes all of your Plasma Burn on the target and deals damage in an area effect.
I was expecting the Ultimate to be a Drop from TOP10 alert, but that's a very nice Gift instead!
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
"Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
Destroids Rise Again
Switching builds now puts various devices on cooldown. Sometimes if they move slots, sometimes even if they don't move slots. Sometimes the entire bar.
There, I fixed it for you.
That is a horrible horrible decision.
I miss when devices remembered their cooldowns even when not slotted.