Power Changes Feedback Thread:
Archetype Changes Feedback Thread:
Intelligence Mastery
- Changed to provide +20 Intelligence and +20 maximum power.
Intelligence Specializations
- Swapped Revitalize and Enlightened spec locations.
Cosmic Gear
- Fixed an issue where Cosmic Presence could expire other Cosmic effects from other players.
- Chance to apply Clinging Flames now scales with rank.
- Spitfire adv: Now increases Clinging Flames chance by 10%.
Fire Breath
- Chance to apply Clinging Flames now scales with rank.
- Chemical Burn adv: Now also changes the damage type to particle.
- Spitfire adv: Now increases Clinging Flames chance by 10%.
Accelerated Metabolism
- Reduced cooldown to 10 seconds (from 15).
- Linked cooldown reduced to 15 seconds.
Bionic Shielding
- The heal effect is now considered a heal over time for interaction purposes.
- Reduced the healing effect by 10%.
- Added a 3 second cooldown.
- Overloaded Circuits Adv: The damage from this advantage is now considered reflect damage, no longer scales off of ranged bonuses and can no longer crit.
- Note: The cost for this power is currently higher than intended.
Plasma Cannon
- Fixed an issue where it wasn't applying bonus damage for Disintegrate.
- Fixed an issue where Onslaught Gloves of the Sniper was not interacting with it.
Resurrection Serum
- Reduced cooldown to 3 seconds (from 15).
- New Adv (2): Resurrects up to 3 additional players within 25ft.
Experimental Burst Ray
- Increased overcharge damage to 12% (from 10).
Attack Toys
- Fixed an issue where Replicated Toys were not considered to be the player's pet.
- Updated flight power so they do not toggle it on and off periodically while fighting.
Detonator Switch
- Reduced cooldown to 45 seconds.
- Fixed an issue where this power's cost was scaling off of non-Gadgeteering pets.
- Increased overall damage.
- Power can only be activated if you have a applicable pet active.
Particle Mine
- Fixed power coloring issues.
Strafing Run
- Changed to use primary target instead of a reticle.
- Reduced damage and cost.
- Adjusted how the damage is distributed between each hit so that the majority of the damage is on the last hit.
- Increased area effect to 15ft (from 10).
- New Adv (1): Changes damage type to Particle.
Pulse Beam Rifle
- Increased the amount of Critical Severity given.
- New Adv (2): Reduces the cooldown of Technology powers while maintaining.
- Adjusted the Hit FX and Pulse FX to not strobe quite as much.
Technological Prowess
- Changed to only trigger off of Technology cooldowns.
- Can now also trigger additional stacks by fully charging or maintaining a Technology power.
Experimental Blaster
- Fixed an issue where the Mending Protocol heal was not healing the correct amount.
New Power: Plasma Radiation
- Tier 1 Gadgeteering
- 50ft Range
- Deals particle damage to targets in front of you.
- Chance to apply Plasma Burn.
- Adv (2): Increases base damage by 50%, but there is a 5% chance every hit that the power will go on cooldown for 5 seconds.
- Adv (2): Increases chance to apply Plasma Burn, and guarantees application when fully maintained.
- Adv (2): Chance to Snare targets, Chance to root targets.
- Adv (2): Refreshes Plasma Burn.
- Adv (2): Refreshes Disintegrate.
New Power: Technological Advancements
- Tier 1 Gadgeteering
- Healing Form
- Scales off of Intelligence
- Adds a stack whenever one of your technology powers is fully charged, maintained, or comes off of cooldown.
New Power: Energy Blaster
- Tier 0 Gadgeteering
- Energy Builder
New Power: Particle Blaster
- Tier 0 Gadgeteering
- Blast
- 100ft
- Deals Particle damage and has a chance to apply Plasma Burn.
- Adv (2): Applies Disintegrate on full charge.
- Adv (2): Heals you instead of dealing damage if your health is low.
- Adv (2): Spreads your Plasma Burn and Disintegrate effects to nearby targets.
New Power: Eye Lasers
- Tier 0 Laser Sword
- Blast
- 100ft
- Deals Particle damage and has a chance to apply Plasma Burn.
- Damage is considered melee damage at close range, and ranged at long range.
- Adv (2): Applies Disintegrate on full charge.
- Adv (2): Spreads your Plasma Burn and Disintegrate effects to nearby targets.
- Adv (2): Stuns your target on full charge.
Power progression:
- 1. Particle Rifle
- 1. Experimental Blaster
- 6. Plasma Radiation
- 8. Radiation Suit
- 11. Electromagnet OR Tractor Beam
- 14. Technological Prowess
- 17. Pulse Beam Rifle
- 21. Radiation Shield
- 25. Molecular Self-Assembly
- 30. Plasma Cannon
- 35. Nanobot Swarm or Cloaking Device
- 40. Orbital Cannon OR Implosion Engine
Overseer - Sentinel
Updated Power progression:
- 1. Sonic Blaster
- 1. Experimental Blaster
- 6. Experimental Burst Ray
- 8. Medical Nanites
- 11. Support Drones OR Bionic Shielding
- 14. Technological Advancements
- 17. Medical Beam
- 21. Energy Shield
- 25. Molecular Self-Assembly
- 30. Resurrection Serum
- 35. Sonic Device OR Miniaturization Drive
- 40. Implosion Engine OR Orbital Cannon